Duke of Edinburgh (S4 Students Only)

S4 DOFE Students only


All S4 Duke of Edinburgh students have completed their expedition section and should have all the information they need to finish the Bronze Award.

A number of you had evidence to upload or were waiting on an assessor’s report and I thought this would be the ideal time to get these tasks finished off.

S4 DOFE students should take the time they have available to obtain any outstanding assessor reports and have these, along with any further evidence, uploaded into their eDOFE account.

Expedition Section

All students should complete the expedition section (and then submit for approval) using the following information:

Start & End Point: PA15 4HU

Date: 25th & 26th Sept 2019

Journey & Exploring times should add to 6 hours per day.

Wild Country tickbox should be UNTICKED

Students that have completed their DOFE presentation should upload the PPTX file as evidence.

 Non-completion of a section

If students haven’t fully completed a section(s) – and don’t think it is likely that they will finish their section(s) due to current lockdown restrictions – then their DOFE can now be done at home.

In short:

  1. Volunteering – Students can now undertake volunteering hours to help their extended family.
  2. Physical – your daily walk or run can count as a new physical activity (just record your walk/runs on strava/mapmyrun app)
  3. If you can’t undertake a section, then you can change your section and count previous hours as well as any future time spent on the new activity. This would require the student to have two assessor reports.
  4. Note: that family members cannot be an assessor for a student. If students require to undertake a new activity to allow them to complete their DOFE then they should make Mr Boag aware. It is likely that your new assessor will be one of the DOFE staff within school.

DOFE Messages

Can I highlight to all students the messaging system within eDOFE.  The DOFE Manager has sent all DOFE students an important message highlighting the changes above and also two social media accounts that may be of interest:

Messages can be accessed by logging into you eDOFE account and looking at the top right-hand corner of the screen (See image below. Image taken while accessing eDOFE using a laptop)

Social Media Accounts

I would urge all DOFE students to follow the two social media accounts below:

  1. DOFE Facebook account – DOFE EastRen is East Renfrewshire’s DOFE account. This will be updated regularly with all changes that are taking place, but also some fun and mindfulness techniques that may relieve some boredom (even for a while).
  2. Instagram account – CLDEastRen brings together a number of services within East Renfrewshire (formerly Young Persons Services & the Communities Team)


Most S4 DOFE students were almost finished all sections of the award, and I am aware that Mrs Kirkpatrick has been contacting a number of you to encourage to get the award completed as soon as you can. I am, therefore, not expecting wholesale changes to sections other than where it is simply not possible to complete the award without such a change.

As ever, if students need further advice or guidance, then please get in touch using the DOFE Google Classroom.