All posts by Mrs Kelly

Express yourself day outdoors

We spent our session outdoors today dressed in our express yourself day outfits, with all sorts of hair styles, tattoos and clothes.

Our first activity was a counting game and we then moved on to exploring place value and making lots of different numbers in our teams.

Even with the cool temperatures and gusty wind, we managed to play a game to create a buttercup tree. We practised mental subtraction and exchange as we played.


Colour matching

Despite the damp weather this morning we all had a great time leaning a bit about colours, searching for certain colours then doing some colour matching finding natural materials the same colour as items on old supermarket magazines.

We then looked carefully at some flowers and created our own using buttercups as paintbrushes.

Mini beast investigations

Outside today we had an amazing time searching for minibeasts. We started off by playing a game to name as many mini beasts as we knew. I am sure you agree we came up with quite a list.

We then went out and investigated the area to find where the minibeasts hung out. Lots were found hiding in trees and many of us thought they were there to shelter from the rain.

After having a talk together about what kind of beasts we saw ( a lot of slugs and snails today, we concluded they must like the rain) we worked in pairs to collect a mini beast to study and observe.

There were lots of incredible discussions on how they moved and how their bodies were patterned as everyone worked excitedly in the rain.

Finally we drew diagrams and labelled the most important features we noticed about our mini beasts.

Amazing adjectives

Today we had some great fun outside working together exploring the area and noting down adjectives using our marvellous new hi-tech clipboards!

Then we searched for stones with adjectives written on them and thought of lots of nouns beginning with the same sound as the adjective….some were easier that others!


Finally we spelled out our own adjectives using sticks.


Outdoor rounding

We had quite a mixed bag of weather today for our outdoor learning session, from cloudy to rainy to sunny and back again!! ⛅️ ☔️ 🌞

On our way out we chanted up and down through multiples of ten before playing some games to help us remember how to count up and down in tens.

We then placed lots of numbers in the correct place on a giant number line noticing which multiple of ten we were nearest to.

After that we rounded numbers to the nearest ten.

Then sorted all the numbers in front of their nearest ten.

Our final challenge was was to find the numbers that were in the wrong place…this proved quite tricky, so we will practise this again next time

Time and number fun

Even though it was sunny today, it was still quite chilly as we worked outside on time and on some number strategies too.

We started off by getting ourselves into the shape of a pentagon. What great ideas we had to do this…the best one was definitely from Emily who suggested making a square then joining a triangle on to the top of it. 👍

We then organised ourselves into date of birth order. It’s definitely helpful to know our date of birth for this type of activity.

After that we made clocks and played some games to make different times. This has helped us all become more sure of how to read and make the time on digital and analogue clocks.

Finally we played some games to help us  add four numbers together n our heads. We learned the best way to group the numbers to help us do this. The more we practise our number bonds the easier it becomes, so keep trying to practise everyday.


Outdoor time

The weather was beautiful today as we enjoyed our outdoor learning session with Mrs Kelly. 🌞

On our journey out to our learning area we searched for circles before arranging ourselves into a circle around the base. We learned that the distance between the centre of a circle and the side of a circle is called its radius.

After that we played some warm up games to help us remember which way is left and which is right.

Next we made numbers to go around our giant clock and talked about how the hands move around the clock each hour.

Finally we played some games to match digital time with analogue time.

All weather friends of ten!

Well what a morning of mixed weather we had today! We had overcast, cloudy and cold to start, then freezing cold, snow, sleet and hail and after playtime crisp, cold and bright sunshine! We kept on learning through it all and came back indoors for lunch with smiles on our faces. 😁

Our main learning today was about ‘friends of ten’, that’s two numbers that add together to make ten. Knowing these pairs without even having to think about it is really important in maths, and practising by playing games helps us remember them. We played ball games, then counting hailstones on our tongues then running games finding partners that added to make ten. Finally  we made some tens rockets on the muddy grass.

Just after playtime we spotted a frog in the playground too and there were lots of wriggly worms in our rockets coming out to play in the mud with us!



Outdoor learning

Today we spent some time outside exploring the school grounds on our first session with Mrs Kelly. We discovered some paths and interesting areas at the back of the pitch and also the eco garden. We watched the charity cereal box domino run too.

We can’t wait for next week to get learning outside again. 😊