All weather friends of ten!

Well what a morning of mixed weather we had today! We had overcast, cloudy and cold to start, then freezing cold, snow, sleet and hail and after playtime crisp, cold and bright sunshine! We kept on learning through it all and came back indoors for lunch with smiles on our faces. 😁

Our main learning today was about ‘friends of ten’, that’s two numbers that add together to make ten. Knowing these pairs without even having to think about it is really important in maths, and practising by playing games helps us remember them. We played ball games, then counting hailstones on our tongues then running games finding partners that added to make ten. Finally  we made some tens rockets on the muddy grass.

Just after playtime we spotted a frog in the playground too and there were lots of wriggly worms in our rockets coming out to play in the mud with us!



Outdoor learning

Today we spent some time outside exploring the school grounds on our first session with Mrs Kelly. We discovered some paths and interesting areas at the back of the pitch and also the eco garden. We watched the charity cereal box domino run too.

We can’t wait for next week to get learning outside again. 😊