Time and number fun

Even though it was sunny today, it was still quite chilly as we worked outside on time and on some number strategies too.

We started off by getting ourselves into the shape of a pentagon. What great ideas we had to do this…the best one was definitely from Emily who suggested making a square then joining a triangle on to the top of it. 👍

We then organised ourselves into date of birth order. It’s definitely helpful to know our date of birth for this type of activity.

After that we made clocks and played some games to make different times. This has helped us all become more sure of how to read and make the time on digital and analogue clocks.

Finally we played some games to help us  add four numbers together n our heads. We learned the best way to group the numbers to help us do this. The more we practise our number bonds the easier it becomes, so keep trying to practise everyday.


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