Category Archives: mathematics and numeracy

Outdoor numeracy roundup

What a marvellous afternoon of learning, revision and consolidation we had today! The list of everything we covered is almost endless!

From multiplication tables, patterns in numbers, place value, problem solving, addition, subtraction to exchanging….and then there was the health and well-being element! There was lots of laughing, encouragement, support and general fun. Very well done Primary 3.9 😀

Outdoor rounding and problem solving

We started our afternoon session in the sun today by reinforcing our previous learning on rounding numbers to the nearest ten.

After some exhausting games we all felt more confident in placing numbers correctly and rounding numbers to the nearest ten.

We then moved on to some problem solving, setting up grids to make a magic number fit in. We had to work hard together and keep going back to check our solutions. It’s so easy to make mistakes as we work, but what great learning that results in once we go back and fix them!


More time outdoors

We started off today arranging ourselves into a pentagon and we did a brilliant job. Learning from previous weeks we identified the people who would be corners then made straight lines between them.

We then had great fun with lots of laughing as we played some concentration games building up a sequence of moves and sounds that we passed around the pentagon.

Our next job was to sort our whole class into order of birthdays….it was made easier by first sorting ourselves into months, then sorting out the dates in each month.

We took a couple of minutes to lie back and enjoy gazing at the clouds this afternoon too. It’s so interesting to watch them move and change shape.


The work we started on time last week was continued today by making our own clocks then matching digital times for quarter past, half past and quarter to the hour.


Outdoor time

The weather was beautiful for us today for our outdoor learning session with Mrs Kelly. 🌞 We made sure we did some activities in the shade too, as it got really warm as the day went on.

We started off by searching for circles all around us before arranging ourselves into a circle around the base and learning that the distance between the centre of a circle and the side of a circle is called the radius.

Our warm up games today were all about direction and we played a few games passing a ball in a clockwise direction after remembering which hand is left and which is right. 🤲🏽

We then moved on to creating a giant clock to help us remember how far each hand moves around the clock every hour.

We played some matching games to show we know how to read the time on both analogue and digital clocks too.