Outdoor numeracy roundup

What a marvellous afternoon of learning, revision and consolidation we had today! The list of everything we covered is almost endless!

From multiplication tables, patterns in numbers, place value, problem solving, addition, subtraction to exchanging….and then there was the health and well-being element! There was lots of laughing, encouragement, support and general fun. Very well done Primary 3.9 😀

Colour matching, analysing, designing and creating flowerS

What a beautiful day for our outdoor learning session today. It started off a little chilly, and the rain threatened but it brightened up and warmed up as the afternoon progressed.

We played some games to help us get thinking about colours then spent some time searching for colours that matched all the colours we had on our old supermarket brochures. What a surprise to find just how many different shades of green we have outside!

Once we completed that we then studied daisies and how they were constructed before creating paintings of our very own daisies. After that we went on to create our own flower designs using leaves, twigs and weeds as paintbrushes and stamps.