All posts by Mrs Kelly

Outdoor musical fun

We had only a short session outdoors this afternoon before coming  in to watch the first half of Scotland’s debut game in this year’s Euros.

We investigated some sounds and rhythms using sticks, stones and trees and then worked together in groups to create our own musical masterpieces.

Minibeast analysing and categorising

For the first part of today we enjoyed a chilly but dry afternoon as we searched for minibeasts. We found plenty of slugs under some wood, a millipede, some snails, worms, flies and a beetle too.

We then used a classification grid to sort them out into different categories.

Then there was some heavy rain so we dashed indoors and started to draw some labelled diagrams of our mini beasts.


Outdoor rounding

The weather wasn’t too kind to us today with quite a few surprise downpours while we worked outside. It didn’t dampen our spirits though and we worked well in teams to reinforce our understanding of rounding to the nearest ten.

After  that we worked on some magic number problem solving. Some groups worked really hard and moved on to a second challenge to create their own problem.

outdoor number fun

Today we had fun exploring and investigating numbers.We played lots of team games to make the smallest and largest numbers we could make given five digits and also to find the total of five digits. We tried to find the quickest and easiest way to total the numbers using our mental maths strategies. It’s amazing all the different ways numbers can add together!

We then worked in pairs to create our own clocks and showed how the hands move round the clock making quarter past, half past and quarter to the hour.

Analogue time

Today was our first outdoor learning day where we didn’t need jackets! Spring is definitely here.

Our shape today was a circle and we spotted lots on our journey outside before organising ourselves into a circle once we got to our base. We reminded ourselves that a circle is a 2D shape with one curved side as we played some warm up games to try to focus our listening and concentration.

Our main learning today was on time and how to read o’clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to on an analogue clock. We used sticks and stones to help remind us how a clock face looks and how the hands move round, then we challenged each other to make different times. Some of us also made our own mini clocks using sticks with no numbers on the face!

We spotted lots of lovely little creatures today as we worked too.


Outdoor angles

Outdoor learning today was a bit chilly and blustery, but we still managed to take part in lots of activities to work on our mental maths and ordering skills and also creating, identifying and describing acute, right, obtuse and straight angles.

Here are some photos of our challenge shapes. We had to make shapes with all right angles, all acute angles, all obtuse angles then one with a mix of different kinds of angles. There was lots of team discussion going on as we worked out which shapes fitted into which categories.

Number Bonds, Rockets and Arithmegons

Todays’s outdoor learning session was really productive with lots of team work and mental maths practise helping us complete a variety of challenges. It was dry but really quite chilly so it was great to see everyone remembered warm outdoor clothes.

We started off on the journey out to the pitch searching for triangular shaped objects. It’s amazing how many you can find when you really look! We then gathered round the base in the shape of a triangle before playing some ball games to practise number bonds to ten.

After that it was time to use some sticks, shells, stones, cones and cards to solve problems and also create some number rockets. Here are some photos of our work today.

Outdoor learning

Well today we had our first outdoor learning session with Mrs Kelly and what a great time we had. We learned all about being safe outside, our responsibilities and how to respond in an emergency. We explored our school grounds and also had fun taking part in some of games which help us learn and let us practise lots of things we have already learned too.

Fortunately the weather was kind to us today with no rain. Let’s hope it stays that way every Monday till June for our outdoor learning sessions!

Here are are some photographs of us outside today.