Open Hour in our P2.3 classroom



Emma Coyne - "I liked making 'sh'words". Marcus - "There are lots of 'sh' words. Aimen - "I liked making shiny paper 'sh' words. Hamish -
The children were learning to sound out and spell words with the phonic sound ‘sh’. They used memory strategies, word banks and displays to help them. Their spelling skills and communication skills will improve as they practice their phonic sounds throughout the year.                                               Emma Coyne – “I know lots of ‘sh’words”.
Marcus – “I can see and hear lots of ‘sh’ words.
Aimen – “I liked making shiny paper ‘sh’ words.
Hamish – “I have ‘sh’ in my name!



Mrs Halliday – “The children thoroughly enjoyed Open Hour with all our friendly  and helpful visitors! Thank you all for coming and joining in with our Fun Phonics! We do understand that not everyone could make it and we hope you enjoy looking at our SH owcase phonics photo’s on GLOW.”

Representing my class, school and / or wider community encourages my self worth and confidence and allows me to contribute to and participate in society.

HWB 0-12a / HWB 1-12a / HWB 2-12a / HWB 3-12a / HWB 4-12a

I can spell the most commonly used words, using my knowledge of letter patterns and spelling rules and use resources to help me spell tricky or unfamiliar words.


LIT 1-21a                                      W

I know that friendship, caring, sharing, fairness, equality and love are important in building positive relationships.  As I develop and value relationships, I care and show respect for myself and others.

HWB 0-05a / HWB 1-05a / HWB 2-05a / HWB 3-05a / HWB 4-05a



I am becoming aware of how cleanliness, hygiene and safety can affect health and wellbeing and I apply this knowledge in my everyday routines such as taking care of my teeth.

HWB 1-33a

P2.3 have been learning how to clean their teeth properly. They brush their teeth on a daily basis after lunch following the steps provided. The children can identify the importance oral hygiene.

“It’s good to keep your teeth clean with toothpaste” – Sam

“If you don’t brush your teeth they will go black and fall out” – Sean

“The toothbrushing song makes it fun” – Hamish

“I like to brush my teeth because you get to choose the song” – Eilidh


Mrs Johnston-Smith says ‘well done’

Wow, I am so impressed with the work you have been doing in P2.3. The presentation during assembly was fantastic and informed the whole school what goes on in P2.3! You spoke clearly and loudly, with great eye contact.

You have clearly been successful learners when using the Beebots, inputting directions for them to follow. You have been able to apply your knowledge of movement and direction in a problem solving context using Beebots.

Alphabet Assembly

Primary 2.3 have been working extremely hard to create their very own assembly structure.  The very first ‘Class Assembly’ of 2016!

A – Assessment

B – Blogs

C – Class Charter

D – Diversity

E – Examples to Others

F – Fun

G – Green Cross Code

H – Healthy

I – Interesting Authors

J – Jolly Phonics

K – Kung Fu Punctuation

L- Learning Ladders

M – Maths

N – News with VCOP

O – Outdoor Learning

P – Praise

Q – Quiet and Nurturing Classroom

R – Robots

S – Sharing

T – Tasc Wheel

U – Uniform

V – Volunteers

W – Work Hard

Y – Your Targets

Z – Zoawie!

A real insight into the workings of  our classroom.  P2.3

“I am really proud of myself, talking in front of the entire school.” – Nicholas Boyle

“I remembered my lines, every word!” – Emma Ormsby


I can communicate clearly when engaging with others within and beyond my place of learning.

LIT 1-10a


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