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Amazing Tartan

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“We had to make our own tartan and we had to use lots of lines” Charley  We had use our own tartan to draw our family wearing the tartan.


“We looked at this tartan for ideas and to look at all the patterns, lines and colours” Nicholas


“I had to use different skills because I made my tartan on the computer. I liked using the board pencil.” Andrew

Katie Morag came to visit P2.3

“We were making a big paper Katie Morag” ” We had to colour the hands, cheeks, boots, mouth and the jumper to make it look like Katie Morag” Alex

“Findlay and Alex had to weave the skirt” Andrew

“Mrs Thompson brought a Katie Morag jumper for Emma to wear so that she could pretend to be Katie Morag.” Nicholas

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“We were writing a postcard to Katie Morag,” Charley “We needed to remember finger spaces, WOW words, connectives and add in at least three things about Eaglesham” Jack



Mrs Johnston-Smith says ‘well done’

Wow, I am so impressed with the work you have been doing in P2.3. The presentation during assembly was fantastic and informed the whole school what goes on in P2.3! You spoke clearly and loudly, with great eye contact.

You have clearly been successful learners when using the Beebots, inputting directions for them to follow. You have been able to apply your knowledge of movement and direction in a problem solving context using Beebots.