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Well done, P3.3

What a fantastic blog, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading about what you have been learning in primary 3. I loved the photos of everyone ‘dooking’ for apples, what fun you must have had. You must all have a very good aim. I have been very impressed by the pupils of the week, well done for all your hard work. The transient art related to your reading group was inspiring, I bet you worked well together to complete such great pictures. I agree with Rhona and Harry when they said that it is good to be kind to everyone and that it is a good thing that we are all different, I can tell you learned a lot from Show Racism the Red Card day. The clown problem solving task looked challenging and lots of fun. Finally, I am looking forward to buying Kirstin’s books, I’m sure they will be full of fun. Well done to our new author!

Thank you, great photos and quotes! What exciting learning going on in P3.3.

Author- Kristin MacDonald

“I have been working very hard to make my very own books. I read one to the class. The title of my books are: Two Happy Squirrels- The Adventure Begin, The Two Happy Squirrels- The Adventure Continues and The Two Happy Squirrels-It Gets Exciting!” Kristin

“I think it had a few WOW words in it and I really liked it” Alex

“The pictures are really good and they have lots of detail,” Sophie

Clown Problem Solving

It was really fun and I liked the clown’s pom pom” Andrew

It was easy when I drew the pictures to help solve the problem.Sam

“I enjoyed putting the coloured cubes into different places. I used the cubes to put the colours red, green and blue in different places to make a list” Adam

“Using an organised list makes it easier to make sure you don’t forget any of the ones you did,” Aimen