Tag Archives: Visitor


As part of STEM week we took part in a Merck workshop. There were 4 different stations. At one station we learned how to make lava lamps. We used oil and water that was coloured with food colouring. We looked at the reasons why the oil floats on top of the water.

At the second station we got to make slime using corn starch, food colouring and water. When we pressed the slime really hard it was solid and when you pressed it gently it was a liquid. It was very messy so we needed to wear goggles and a white suit.

At the third station we learned about bacteria and how it spreads and grows, and at the final station we looked at different types of cells under the microscope.

We then found out there had been 2 secret agents that had a special germ liquid on their hands. Zoe and Josh had to touch as many of us as possible to show how easy it is to spread germs. They shone a special light on our hands which showed all the germs.