Tag Archives: Sharing Our Learning

Polar Lands

By exploring climate zones around the world, I can compare and describe how climate affects living things. SOC 1-12b

By exploring a natural environment different from my own, I can discover how the physical features influence the variety of living things. SOC 1-13b

We have been learning about the people that live in the polar lands.


I can describe and recreate the characteristics of my local environment by exploring the features of the landscape. SOC 1-07a

We explored the features of the Scottish landscape and compared it with different environments around the world.

I am learning to use my notes and other types of writing to help me understand information and ideas, explore new problems, generate and develop ideas or create new text- LIT1-25a.

Using digital technologies responsibly I can access, retrieve and use information to support, enrich or extend learning in different contexts. TCH 1-02a

We also carried out research in ICT and found out some interesting facts about Scotland.

Sharing Our Learning

Primary 3.2 wrote a book called ‘The Day the Pencils Quit.’ As we had been using punctuation to help us read with expression, we invited P1 to hear our story. We used expression to read a page each.

Primary 1 then sang us some songs they had been learning.

Outdoor Angles

We went on a shape hunt in the playground. We found lots of 2D and 3D shapes, and we also found right angles.

The windows are rectangles and squares and they have right angles. – Albie.

I found a right angle on the Buddy Stop and it’s a rectangle. – Jessica

The corner of snakes and ladders is a right angle and it’s a square. – Zoe

The corner of the rectangle is a right angle. – Josh