Tag Archives: Health and Wellbeing


All of our class have settled in really well and are enjoying being big primary 3’s. We have written about our summer holidays and shared our stories with the class. We have been revising our numeracy skills and have made our Class Charter. But best of all, we had our first Golden Time.

Natasha – I like going to ICT because we get to do Education City. It’s really fun.

Andrew – I like everything in Primary 3 so far.

Alex – I enjoyed making our Flat Stanley’s.

Albie – I liked the new assembly because it’s just Primary 1 to 3 now.

Grace –  I’ve enjoyed Golden Time and making Hama bead designs.

Ronan and Dominic – We like building with Lego.

Healthy Snowy Day!

Within and beyond my place of learning I am enjoying daily opportunities to participate activities and sport, making use of available indoor and outdoor space. HWB 1-25a

“We were helping each other push the tray down the hill.” Isla

“We were taking turns and being friends.” Alex

“We were keeping healthy by running up the hill.” Murray

“We were pushing each other down the hill.” Fern

“We had fun going down the hill on our trays.” Jamie