Check out the impact that our learning in RE has made on pupils across the year groups! These statements are taken from our new online PLPs.
S1- Me and My Community (Image of God)
The unit has reminded me on the faith that I do and how important it is
I have learnt about the importance of God in every day life.
I have learned more about what God wants for me
I understand how to treat others
I feel closer to God
I have learned about sin and all types of things and It makes me proud.
I know why I am made in the image if god and that I have my life planned before I was in the womb.
I have learned about the Holy Trinity and I now know how I am made in the ‘Image of God’.
The impact of the unit has helped me understand myself and God more than before.
In this unit , I have learned that me and everyone else I made in the image of God and god new us before we were born , I’ve learned about the effects of sin and how it separates you from God.
It has taught me that God is made up of three persons- the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit it has also taught me that God has had a special plan for us even before we where in our mother’s womb and just like Jerimiah we are set out for a special purpose
This has had an impact on how I treat others with respect
I can now understand how my actions and attitudes affect others around me .
to follow god more and sin less
I have learned that god has created me in his image and that he will forgive my sin
That it has been a really good thing to learn and to learn about god
That I should treat others the way I want to be treated and make the right decisions
It impacts me a lot as I want to get closer to god and learn to be like him
This has made me find out how class I can be to god and the different ways I could be more like god and be closer to god.
It has shown me how much of a difference my life has experienced by knowing about the marvellous works of God
I feel like l know more about god and how l was built in his image l also know more about the holy Trinity
I now understand about being made in the image of God and the Holy trinity. I understand more about our faith
To get us to know about how god wants us to be
I have learnt that god gives us gifts to use
During this unit, I have learnt that we are not made in the image of god on the outside, it’s on the inside. Also, this has taught me that God will forgive you no matter what you have done but all you have to do is ask for forgiveness. I have enjoyed learning about the image of God because it’s helped me to understand and be grateful for what I have.
I’ve learned that through my faith I have a choice on the decisions that I make, I hope that with having a strong faith I can make good decisions.
I have learned how to treat others with respect and that I am made in the image of god, on the inside and outside.
The impact of this unit of my learning and faith is that I know about The Image of God, how he gave us free will and my relationships with him and others.
The impact that this unit has had my learning and faith is that I reflected on how God has made me and that I always have free will and choice but I should use it responsibly.
The impact of this unit on my learning & my faith has been quite big. It made my faith become clearer and stronger. In learning i now know a lot more and I can easily tell others facts about sins etc.
I have realised that I’m made in the image of god on the inside. I’ve also learned what my gifts are.
S3 Belief in God
It has impacted my faith by helping me understand how God really exits and helped me link faith and science to give examples of why God exits
it has helped me believe in god a bit more and has helped me realise the connection between scientist and the church they are both searching for the same thing but in different ways
This unit has impacted my faith by giving me different views about the existence of God and has made me think about the different possibilities that God is real or not.
Though this unit has not affected my view on god I thoroughly enjoyed it and it had to be my favourite topic I’ve done.
I believe in God in a different way than before and I now realise the church is more open minded to science than I originally thought.
It has helped me realise that faith and science look both look for the truth
S6- The Introductory Rites & Caritas Award
In my faith life I have been able to acquire a deeper understanding of the nature of the Holy Mass, through the ‘Four Ends of the Mass’; Adoration, Atonement, Thanksgiving and Petition. I learned the Introductory Rites of the Mass, including the opening of the Mass and the Penitential Rite, where we ask for Gods mercy and forgiveness from sins of commission and omission. Furthermore the topic on sin has allowed me to reflect and appreciate Gods mercy and justness.
I learnt how the Love of God which is shared Between the three persons (Trinity) is applicable on our lives and how we humans are made for love.
I now know so much more about my faith especially about truth. I understand everything a lot better now and in more detail
It has given me more learning and insight into how God reaches us and how I can better pray to him, I learned better the meaning of Mass and understand more how it helps my relationship with God.
Overall, I think this course has helped me become more self-aware – I use the knowledge I’ve learned on what makes a good person , and now use these values in daily life to improve myself and how I treat others . It has also motivated me to want to give back to my community as I’m always looking up to very generous people in the catholic community who influence me majorly.