Resources for August Learning

Welcome back!


It has been brilliant getting to see all of our young people again and we are all looking forward to another year of academic and spiritual formation in RE!

Starting this year, each time we begin a new topic, the resources will be uploaded to glow and linked right here on our blog. This means that if anyone would like to look ahead or revise anything, the course materials are easier to find. A general outline of our curricula can be viewed using the menus at the top of the blog.

Here we go with the first topics for each year group

S1- Me and My Community (Made in the image of God)

S2- The Sacraments of Vocation

S3- Belief in God

S4- The Beatitudes

S5- The Introductory Rites

S6-The Introductory Rites

To view the materials, follow the links and log in with your usual glow details.


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