RE & Chaplaincy Update

Term is off to a great start and despite the challenges that we face, it is great to have our young people back in RE and participating in the faith life of the school!

We are seeing excellent things from our new S1 who have been learning about various forms of prayer and praying in class. Their maturity during Lectio Divina (Christian Meditation) was impressive and now they turn to studying the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in greater depth. S2 have been learning about the sacraments of vocation and having studied Holy Orders and completed a family learning task, they have begun to learn about the sacrament of Holy Matrimony.

S3 have studied philosophical arguments for the exitance of God and are now looking at what it means to be a disciple by learning from scripture and the lives of the saints.

Drawing by Christopher in S1


It is tricky to maintain a ‘normal’ chaplaincy programme but the following arrangements are being made to allow for covid regulations.

Monday Medidtation- an opportunity for peace and reflection for seniors. S4, 5 and 6 will rotate each week.

Aid to the Church in Need group will recommence on Tuesday Lunchtimes for S1 and 2. S1 in RE room 2 and S2 in RE room 1.

Thursday Mass starts at 8.45 and is open to BGE pupils.

Pray and you go- Each week on Show My Homework, all pupils, staff and parents will have access to a guided meditation with music and prayer that can be accessed at any time.

There will be short inserts at assembly each Monday via Microsoft Teams.

Staff chaplaincy continues to be provided in our Teams group.

Please keep our school community in your prayers and encourage your young people to be involved in our Unique Catholic Identity.

Caritas Award 2020 & Religion, Beliefs and Values

A huge congratulations to our S6 pupils who achieved the Pope Benedict Caritas Award this year! Through their faith learning, faith reflection and faith witness activities, the young people also gained the SQA Religion, Beliefs and Values Level 6 certificate.

2020 is also the first year that the RE department has entered pupils for the SQA Religion, Beliefs and Values level 4 certificate. This enables pupils to to gain accreditation and an additional qualification with their exam results in S4 by completing our S3 course. We will be developing elements of our RBV programme this year and aim for every pupil at Turnbull achieving the award at Level 4 and all Caritas pupils achieving Level 6- Academic and Spiritual formation enriching one another.


Mr Pearce

Home Learning in RE

The past few months have been a very challenging time but we have been making the most of the opportunity to engage in learning at home with our families.

As we finished school at the end of March, the young people were studying the stations of the cross and applied this learning to prayer and creative responses.

During the month of May our BGE pupils have explored the role of Our Lady and the events of Pentecost.

As we enter into June, pupils are studying the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus which the Church encourages us to renew this month. Pupils will be learning about the promises Jesus makes to those who are devoted to His Sacred Heart and the origins of the devotion.

All home learning continues to be posted on Show My Homework.

In addition to home learning, I am posting regularly on social media with resources for keeping our prayer lives going at home. While we may not have the ability to attend Mass, we must continue to invest time in prayer as individuals and as families. Follow @MrFPearce on Twitter or turnbullhs_re on Instagram for regular updates

Wishing you the blessings of the Sacred Heart this June,

Mr Pearce


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