Yearly Chaplaincy Overview

Weekly Chaplaincy Activities

Daily Decade: 8.30am, Oratory – Mrs Thomson, Ms McLoughlin 

Staff Flame Group – In the planning!  A group aimed at developing the spiritual lives of staff.

Pray as you go – an online prayer podcast posted to SMHW for Whole School each week.

CREDO– Mr Pearce & Caritas. Umbrella group for Prolife, Aid to the Church in Need, Faith Life and Mary’s Meals initiatives. 

Newsletter– Announcements, Prayer/Word of the week and liturgical calendar detailed in the school newsletter each week



Month Event About

The Month of Our Lady of Sorrows

S1 Retreat An opportunity for young people to reflect on their faith at the start of this new episode in their lives. The retreat draws on the impact of the Sacrament of Confirmation and what it means to be evangelised and to evangelise others.
  S1 Welcoming and Caritas Commissioning The first Mass of S1s’ journey through Turnbull High School at which family members are present to share in this significant next step in their faith development. At this Mass our S6 Caritas pupils receive a special blessing as they begin yet another phase of their spiritual life.
  S1 Teresa House Mass Feast Day (Saint Teresa of Calcutta)
  Vocations Awareness Week All classes engage in a curricular insert on vocation and on alternate years a Vocations Conference is organised in co-operation with SERRA.
  S1 Class Masses While studying the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the RE curriculum, S1 have the opportunity to pray what they have learned.
  Caritas at the Cathedral A day event at the Cathedral for pupils undertaking the Caritas Award organised by the Archdiocese of Glasgow.
  Faith Forum Lectures (S5/S6) A series of talks delivered by the Glasgow University Catholic Association. (GUCA)



The Month of the Holy Rosary

October Devotions All year groups have the opportunity to pray the rosary with their class in the school oratory.
  S5 Class Masses Young people have the opportunity to attend Mass during the school day.
  AGAP Rosary Workshops (S2) Fun and engaging drama workshops that tell the story of the Holy Rosary and bring it to life.
  S4 Carfin Retreat A new retreat which allows pupils to look further into the Holy Rosary and deepen their experience of Marian prayer and dogma.
  S3 Confessions Linked with the study of the sacraments of healing in RE, S3 pupils have the opportunity to pray using an examination of conscience and go to confession. Non-Catholic pupils have the opportunity to meet the priest and to ask a question or receive a blessing.

The Month of the Holy Souls

Feast of All Saints (Holy Day of Obligation) The whole community has the opportunity to attend Holy Mass during the school day.
Annual Requiem Mass Our annual mass for the faithful departed is offered at lunch time. November lists are also provided for all of those who want to pay tribute to their loved ones through the intentions box at the altar.
  S3 RCAG Scripture Retreat Links with the learning of the Scripture and Tradition in RE. This workshop focusses on the central role of the Word of God in the life of Catholics.
  St Andrews House Mass Feast day 30th of November.
  Advert Charity Day An opportunity to build on our prayer and fasting with almsgiving and good works.
  High Schools’ Mass A Mass in the evening with the Archbishop at St Andrews Cathedral
  Catholic Education Week A range of activities through which the whole community engage in learning and prayer based on the allocated theme.
  Patronal Feast Day

The Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (21st)

The presentation of the BVM. Mass and the Rosary are prayed period 3 and the afternoon is given to recreation and activities.
  S2 Class Masses Linking with the study of prayer in the RE curriculum, S2 pupils have the opportunity to attend Mass during the school day.
  Red Wednesday (ACN Group) Charity event to raise funds for those persecuted for their faith in Jesus.
  SPUC Talks (S5/S6) Talks on life issues such as relationships, abortion and euthanasia.


S1 and S2 Confessions Pupils in S1 and 2 have the opportunity to reflect on how they can prepare room for Jesus in their lives and have the opportunity to receive the sacrament of confession.
Advent Services All classes prepare and take part in an Advent service in the school oratory.
  Advent Adoration Monday lunch time exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in the oratory with music and prayer time.
  School Advent Concert and Service  
  Rorate Mass Father Monaghan celebrates a special Advent Mass of our lady by candle-light. The mass is offered to all pupils and relatives and takes place at 8am, with breakfast supplied afterwards.
  End of Term Mass  

Month Of The Holy Name

S1 Kentigern House Mass Feast day on the 13th of January
S3 Class Masses S3 pupils have the opportunity to attend Mass during the school day.
  S1 Good News For Everyone Linked with study of the bible in RE, Good News For Everyone (formerly The Gideons) visit S1 classes and offer the young people a free copy of the New Testament and Psalms.
  S4 SPUC Talks Linking with the Pro-life studies in RE, the education team at SPUC visit to offer talks on abortion.
  January Devotions The Litany of the Holy Name is explored and prayed in class.
  ’Hello Maker’ A retreat where SP pupils look at how faith and science don’t oppose each other, but rather complement each other.

Month Of The Holy Family

S4 Class Masses S4 pupils have the opportunity to attend Mass during the school day.
S5 Kerygma Retreat An opportunity for S5 to reflect on their learning and to consider their personal response to the offer of God’s love and forgiveness.
  S1 and S2 Retreat on the person of Jesus An opportunity to apply the learning from our study of the person of Jesus to reflecting on our own relationship with him.

Month Of St Joseph

Senior Phase Confessions All senior phase pupils have the opportunity to receive the sacrament of confession during the school day.
St Joseph’s Day Mass A morning mass for all the community but especially fathers, uncles, brothers and sons.
  S3 Net Retreats Delivered by the National Evangelists Team, this retreat explores our identity as children of God.
  Bridge to Uni Event This retreat looks at continuing the faith after secondary school. The retreat has a lecture from a Glasgow City University professor and hopefully attendance from the Catholic Student Association.

Month Of The Holy Eucharist/Lent/ Easter

Ash Wednesday Services On Ash Wednesday, the whole community participates in either Holy Mass or a penitential service followed by the distribution of ashes.
Lent Services Time out of class for reflection on the learning undertaken during lent.
Stations of the Cross In class and on Friday at lunch
  S2 Triduum Retreat An interactive retreat that allows pupils to visualise scenes from Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
  Leavers/Exams Mass A mass held to pray for senior phase pupils and to wish them the best on their exams and moving on from Turnbull High School.

The Month Of Mary

May Crowning and Shrine Honouring the statue of Mary that was blessed for the school’s consecration.
May Devotions All pupils have the chance to pray the rosary during class.
  S1 and S2 Carfin Grotto Pilgrimage An opportunity for pupils to learn more about Marian devotion during the Month of Mary by visiting the National Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes, Carfin.

The Month Of The Sacred Heart Of Jesus

Iona Pilgrimage A day pilgrimage to Iona- an early start, a late return and lots of fun, learning and prayer inbetween!
Devotions to the Sacred Heart Pupils have the opportunity to pray and reflect on the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.



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