Keep up to date with Biology Department goings-on by following our Turnbull High School page at @turnbullbio
SNOW DAY(s) – Revision/Work
Hello everyone,
I have been in touch with a number of you via email looking for appropriate sites/materials for revision – good for you!
Please remember that on this website you will find all of the PowerPoints used in class by your teachers for Higher and National 5.
As well as the SQA website, Higher Human Biologists can find older past papers in the following locations:
I have added a file with definition sheets for KA2.5 and KA2.6 to the Higher Human Biology page – pupils in my class can add these to the definition sheets they have for KAs 21.-2.4.
Stay safe and keep studying! 😎
Miss A
Welcome to the Turnbull Biology Department Website
This website is currently being developed to give the pupils online access to all the materials they need to support them in their studies.
In the Biology department we currently offer:
Advanced Higher Biology