Turnbull High School pupils from BGE Phase have been busy working to complete the iDEA Award.
The Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award, known as iDEA, is an international programme that helps pupils develop and demonstrate digital, enterprise and employability skills. Through a series of online challenges, pupil win career-enhancing badges, unlock new opportunities and, ultimately, gain industry-recognised Awards that help pupils stand out from the crowd.
Pupil complete a variety of badges from 5 categories – Worker, Citizen, Maker, Entrepreneur and Gamer. iDEA badges are short interactive online modules, created in consultation with industry experts. Pupils can complete iDEA badges on any device, anywhere they can get online.
The more badges collected, the more points earned, towards Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards. The badges are all recorded on a Record of Achievement which highlights the development of skills, enabling pupils to reflect of their achievements. Certificates are awarded to all pupils who complete the necessary number of badges.