Business Speakers

Business Opportunities for Parents!

Do you run your own business or work in Administration, Finance, Human Resources, Marketing or Operations?

Turnbull High Schools’ Business Education and Computing Science Department needs you!

We are looking for help from parents and/or family members of Turnbull High School pupils who currently run their own business or work in a Business environment. We want to find business people would be willing to come into Turnbull High Schools’ Business Education and Computing Science Department and give a short talk to our S3 Business Management pupils, as part of their learning experience of Business Management.

This would give pupils the opportunity enhance their understanding of business practice by engaging  directly with business people who work in key areas.

At this point we are looking to collect the information of anyone who would be interested and willing to take part during the session from August 2017 – March 2018.  If you are interested, please get in touch using the e-mail address below.

It would be appreciated if you could give a short summary of your area of experience, or the expertise you are able to share with Turnbull High School pupils.

Thanks very much! We hope you can help and look forward to hearing from you!