Currently, the Educational Psychology Service are involved in supporting practitioner enquiry in a variety of areas including:
- Autism Advisors
- Literacy Strategy Group
- Numeracy Strategy Group
- Play 2 Learn
- Talking Mats
Practitioner enquiry is about investigating a question, within your practice or context, using a formalised process. It is any form of evaluation which includes the following steps:
- identify an issue to be addressed
- look at other resources and/or research literature to identify possible reasons and solutions
- identify and implement a strategy to attempt to improve the issue
- evaluate the changes made.
For Teachers and Education staff, research and practitioner enquiry is a key part of Professional Review and Development. Practitioner enquiry supports self-evaluation for improvement planning in East Dunbartonshire schools and centres which in turn is driven by the key priorities in the National Improvement Framework:
- Improving attainment and achievement
- Closing the attainment gaps
- Improving children and young people’s health and wellbeing
- Improving employability skills and sustained positive school leaver destinations
Useful Links
Practitioner Enquiry in East Dunbartonshire Council Guide:
GTCS Website: