Zoe, one of our Sports Captains has been presenting at assemblies this week to promote Active Girls Day. This Sport Scotland initiative aims to celebrate women in sport as well as the role models who are inspiring young women in sport.
Tomorrow, we will be celebrating Active Girls Day by having a Fun Zumba Class in the Games Hall at lunch time. This will be led by our senior girls and will be open to all year groups (girls and boys) and staff!
Well done to Zoe who has worked hard to organise and promote this event. We are all looking forward to it and hope to see you all there!
Our Health and Well-being pupil council met for the first time today! Pupils worked co-operatively to define the well-being indicators and discuss the importance of health and well-being. Thank you to all pupils who contributed today! Lots of exciting jobs for our Health and Well-being council in the forthcoming weeks.
Medics Against Violence aim to prevent violence before it happens. Medical professionals have visited our S6 pupils this week, using their experience to help young people stay safe by giving them an understanding of the consequences of violence and how to avoid it. Our S6 pupils have started their training to become Medics Against Violence (MAV) Interns. Following this in depth training, pupils will visit our S2 classes during PSE to deliver lessons on reducing violence and staying safe.
This week our S3 PE studies classes have been evaluating team and individual performances in basketball using the iPads. Following this, teams will identify weak areas within their game before working on a training programmes to improve. Well done to all pupils who have been working so hard.
Congratulations to Zoe & Ewan who were appointed as our S6 Sports Captains. They attended the Youg Ambassadors Conference at Hampden Stadium yesterday where they learned more about their role as Sports Captains at Boclair Academy and in the community.
Zoe & Ewan will now look to create a Sports Council which will represent all year groups throughout the school.
Our S5 & s6 pupils participated in the first ever Senior Inter-class games. The event was a huge success due to the excellent effort and attitude shown by all participants. Congratulations to everyone who took part.
It has been a busy start to term and Health and Well being has evident across the school. Over the past week we have been in to visit our PE classes to see gymnastic groups working as a team to create routines based on flight and balance. We also caught in action some of our S3 girls leading their own learning by conducting their own class warm up and choreographing their own dance routine 🙂
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