Our S1-S3 Breakfast Club is open for all pupils every morning from 8.00-8.45am in Home Economics. Everyone is welcome to come along for a healthy and nutritional breakfast. Fruit, cereal, yogurt, pancakes, toast and toasties are available every morning. All new members welcome!!
Free healthy snacks will also be available in the foyer during morning interval. Thank you to our seniors who have helped us to prepare snacks 🍎🍏🍎🍏
On the February inset day, members of our Health & Well-being council took time out from their holiday to come and present to teachers. Pupils shared the work they have completed on GIRFEC and the SHANARRI indicators, informing teachers of what the well-being indicators mean to pupils at Boclair Academy.
Our young people then asked teachers for their input and feedback on the SHANARRI indicators and answered questions around the work they have been doing.
Over the next few weeks and months, the Health & Well-being council hope to collate all of the feedback from pupils, staff and parents to ensure there is a shared understanding of GIRFEC in and around our school community.
Well done and thank you to our young people who were involved in this event. Your hard work is greatly appreciated.
Well done to our S5 and S6 pupils who recently completed their end of unit assessment. Their objection was to produce a healthy quiche using the following ingredients:
-A meat or suitable fish
-Extra vegetables
-Healthy pastry using wholemeal flour
-A professional Garnish
S1-S4 pupils have now started Scottish Country Dancing in core PE. This is a great opportunity for our pupils to experience enjoyment and team work whilst also learning more about Scottish Culture.
We hope to see all pupils at our Christmas Dances in a few weeks 🎄🎊
This evening, Boclair Academy welcomed pupils, staff and parents from our cluster Primary Schools to perform at the Primary Dance Festival.
Well done to all pupils who performed at this event. It was clear how hard you have worked on your routines and you all performed with confidence and enthusiasm.
Well done also to our S4 and S5 dancers who performed their own choreography. You are excellent role models to our younger pupils.
Finally, thank you to our pupils who helped with music and lighting, and also to our dance leaders who did an excellent job of introducing all of our performances.
We hope that all of our visitors enjoyed their evening.
The Health & Well-being Council met for the second time this week. Working in groups, pupils have been looking at the SHANARRI wheel and creating definitions for each of the eight well-being indicators.
Over the next few weeks, the group will look into how they can share their new definitions with other pupils, parents and staff.
Thanks to the Health and Well-being Council for their amazing contributions so far.
On Thursday 12th October, all of our S1-S3 pupils participated in our annual Interclass Games. Pupils compete in their register classes in football, hockey and basketball tournaments throughout the day and the class who are most successful across the three sports are our winning class.
Well done to all of our pupils for their amazing enthusiasm, effort and sportsmanship throughout the tournament. Thank you to our senior pupils who refereed all of our games and coached each class team.
Results will be announced after the October break.
Well done to Zoe for organising our fantastic Zumba event for Active Girls Day. The event was well attended by all year groups and everyone had a fantastic time!
Thank you to Brooke, Clara and Kirsty for leading us through the routines!
Well done and thank you to all pupils involved!!
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