All posts by Miss BROCKWAY

Numeracy in the ARC this week

This week in the ARC pupils have been working on improving their Money management skills. They have been using the fantastic resource moneysense which can be accessed from home too.

Specifically we have been focusing this week on value for money and playing the Space Trader game to help understanding this. We have also been talking about types of Bank Cards and the Infographic on the bottom of the page was very useful for this.


Interclass Games

For this week only, S1’s Mathletics points will go towards

Interclass Games. The winning Registration class by Midnight

on Sunday will earn

most points, and there will be points

available for second and third place.



Currently 1F are way in the lead with 4,101 Mathletics points!

There is still the weekend to get active on Mathletics

and earn points for your Registration class.

Remember you get 10 points for every correct answer on the

activities, and 1 point for every correct answer on Live Mathletics.

Number game: Multiples and Factors

Try this game at home to practice your multiples and factors.

You will need:

A printout or written copy of the board and spinners; a paperclip; a pencil; counters (even coins will work here if you don’t have counters).


Set up: 

Print/copy the game board and spinners. To use a spinner, you can use a paperclip fixed in the centre by a pin or pencil.



  1. Choose a multiple, for example 6
  2. Spin the ‘multiples of 6’ spinner.
  3. Divide the number you land on by 6.
  4. Place a counter on the number you get. For example if your spinner lands on 30, you would put a counter on 5. (since 6 x 5 = 30)

The winner is the first person to get three counters in a row.

Factoring Gameboard and Spinners – A4 Version


2017 was a great year for Mathletics at Boclair.

16 Silver Certificates won and over 679 hours spent solving problems!

Will 2018 bring us our first Gold?




So far this week, two pupils have earned certificates. Well done Ava and Katie!

Remember there is still the weekend for the rest of you to reach 1000 points.

Well done to all of the 5 pupils on the leaderboard so far.


Mathletics Silver Awards

The first S1 pupils have got their Silver Certificates and Amazon vouchers. S2 pupils who are due a Silver will be issued them at Assembly next week. Due to late busses they couldn’t be handed out this week, so you’ll need to wait just a few more days to get yours and your prize.

Remember all you need is 4 bronze certicates before you earn a silver so keep working away at activities and earning 1000 points each week!

Pupils are still working hard at Mathletics. Here is this week’s

leaderboard so far.

The first Silver Certificates should be due soon (after your 4th bronze certificate) and will be issued at Assemblies.


Reminder that the club is on every Monday lunchtime in

Room 2.2.



Numeracy in Geography

S2 pupils this week developed their Numeracy skills in Geography as they used scale drawings to calculate how many times the UK would fit into Australia.

They then answered complex numeracy problems involving accuracy, percentages, ratio, and formulae for population densities.

Here is Mrs Bone’s class working hard together.