S4 Silver DofE Update February

Time scales for the Silver DofE Award are:

  • Volunteering section: 6 months
  • Physical and Skills sections: One section for 6 months and the other section for 3 months
  • Expedition section: 3 days/2 nights

If you didn’t do Bronze, you must undertake a further 6 months in either the Volunteering or the longer of the Physical or Skills sections.

The activities that you are undertaking for each section must be inputted to your eDofE account. This can be accessed easily on your phone by searching m.edofe.org.

It is essential that you identify an assessor to write your Assessor Report. Once you’ve completed the section, take a picture of the report and upload to your eDofE account (on your phone, search m.edofe.org).

If you are having difficulty working out what to do for your sections, please speak to Dr Ross. There are many opportunities both out-with and within school that can be used for your sections.

Also, a reminder that your Practice Expedition will be Thursday 29th – Saturday 31st March and your Qualifying Expedition is Thursday 31st May – Saturday 2nd June. You will receive consent forms and training for these soon.

If you need any help or advice, please attend the DofE drop-in, held every Wednesday lunchtime in Room 3.7. Alternatively, you or your parents/carers can email Dr Ross: kross@boclair.e-dunbarton.sch.uk.

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