Mathletics Silver Awards

The first S1 pupils have got their Silver Certificates and Amazon vouchers. S2 pupils who are due a Silver will be issued them at Assembly next week. Due to late busses they couldn’t be handed out this week, so you’ll need to wait just a few more days to get yours and your prize.

Remember all you need is 4 bronze certicates before you earn a silver so keep working away at activities and earning 1000 points each week!

Interclass Games

On Thursday 12th October, all of our S1-S3 pupils participated in our annual Interclass Games. Pupils compete in their register classes in football, hockey and basketball tournaments throughout the day and the class who are most successful across the three sports are our winning class.

Well done to all of our pupils for their amazing enthusiasm, effort and sportsmanship throughout the tournament. Thank you to our senior pupils who refereed all of our games and coached each class team.

Results will be announced after the October break.

Pupils are still working hard at Mathletics. Here is this week’s

leaderboard so far.

The first Silver Certificates should be due soon (after your 4th bronze certificate) and will be issued at Assemblies.


Reminder that the club is on every Monday lunchtime in

Room 2.2.



Active Girls Day!

Zoe, one of our Sports Captains has been presenting at assemblies this week to promote Active Girls Day. This Sport Scotland initiative aims to celebrate women in sport as well as the role models who are inspiring young women in sport.

Tomorrow, we will be celebrating Active Girls Day by having a Fun Zumba Class in the Games Hall at lunch time. This will be led by our senior girls and will be open to all year groups (girls and boys) and staff!

Well done to Zoe who has worked hard to organise and promote this event. We are all looking forward to it and hope to see you all there!