Ardentinny Day 2

Many thanks for comments already received. These have been passed on to the children.
Fortunately the forecast for today was incorrect. Although it was a bit cold the sun was shining and the forecasted winds for the afternoon did not materialise.
Here are the groups:

Group 1: Luke Sloan, Ellie Conlon, Jack Thomson, Ryan Conlon+ 6 others
Group 2: Lee Curran, Nathan Ray, James Greenan, Sarah Hefferland + 6 others
Group 3: Sean Gordon, Lewis Bradley, John Gorman, Matthew McGettigan + 5 others
Group 4: John Hickey, Jack Devine, Olivia Ferry, Taylor Duffy, Liam Kenny+ 5 others
Group 5:Melanie McCallum, Olivia Watson, Daniel Kerrigan, Morgan McDougall, Megan Sharp, Joseph Currie, Liam McDermott, Kyle Conway, Anthony Gray and Aidan Quinn
Group 6: Josh Holland, Eve Macaulay, Louisa Keenan, Mhairi McGill, Anna MacFarlane, Paris Welsh, Jack McLoughlin, Lynsey Skelton,Christopher MacLeod and Nicole Keane
Group 7: Euan Johnston, Lucy Fitzgerald, Kara McAlister, Anna Nixon, Rachel Nordell, Gabriel Tierney, Brian Flynn, Clare Dickson, Mehan MacKay and J.C Greetun
Group 8:Morgan MacDermott, Robyn McGlynn, Ben McCartney, Jack Billsdon, Connor MacBrearty, Kieran Hamilton, Annie Abercromby, Luke McCall, Eve Crawford and Calum Stewart.

45 thoughts on “Ardentinny Day 2”

  1. Hi Nicole K,
    What a lovely day you all got today for your activities. I hope you had a great day. All the family are missing you very much.

    Have a lovely fun filled week and we look forward to hearing all about it.

    p.s Lyndsay got her scan picture of M & M and they will be here in 8 weeks time!!!! x

  2. Hi Paris

    Missing you millions and millions, hope you are having a great time. Was your spooky walk good? Susan says hi and Tessa handed a bag of sweets in for halloween she didn’t know you were away. Hope to hear from you soon lots of love Mum and Dad xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  3. Glad you guys are all having a great time!! Uncle Brian has postponed his party till Friday so his Godson Josh can be there!! Enjoy! Sophie,Eva,Ethan,Mum&Dad are sending their love&cuddles! Xxxxxxxx

  4. Glad you guys are having a great time with good dry Scottish weather! Please tell Josh not to worry as his Uncle Brian’s party has been postponed till Friday, when his godson Josh is back in town!! Love you lots! Enjoy your adventures! Mum,Dad, Ethan,Eva&Sophie xxxx

  5. Hi Paris

    Missing you millions. Hope you are having a great time. Was your spooky walk good fun or really scary? Hope you are all sleeping well together and not up chatting all nigh lol .I cant wait to hear from you. Susan said hi . Lots of love from mum and dad xxxxxx

  6. Hi Paris

    Hope you get my other message I am not sure if I have done it right but if you do just letting you know again I miss you love u mum and dad xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  7. hi how was your spooky night walk hope you weren’t to scared! it was pouring a rain on Halloween but we got told a good few jokes-why did the crab go to jail?……….because he kept pinching things..hahaha everyone’s missing you hope you have a great time don’t stay up to late! Sarah xx

    Hi mum here hope you are having a great time I bet its great fun xxx

  8. Hi Anna

    Hope you had a great Halloween and your night walk wasn’t too spooky!!! We are all missing you and your constant singing and chattering…yes even Matthew! Ross is eagerly reading your morning messages and dad and I are checking the blog every night.

    Gran & Granda cant wait to hear all your stories, have a fantastic week, lots of love Mum, Dad & Matthew

  9. Hi everyone. Glad the weather was ok for you today.
    The school is so quiet without you.
    Hope you all sleep better tonight and get the rest you need for teh activities tomorrow.

    Have fun tomorrow.

    Mrs Brogan

  10. Hi Megan, Glad to see you have arrived safely and are having fun! Weather was good for you all today so I bet you got up to lots of good adventures. Not sure if weather will be as good tomorrow but I bet that won’t hold you lot back! Have fun. Mum and Dad

  11. Hi Sean and everyone from St Matthews

    Glad to hear you arrived safely and so far so good with weather! Hope you’re having lots of fun and look forward to hearing all about it. House is very quiet without you and everyone misses you, even Daniel although he denies it!!!

    It’s good to keep up with what you’re getting up to thanks to Mr Reid for that.

    Have fun, love Mum, Daniel, Gran and Papa xxxx

  12. Hi Sean and everyone from St Matthews

    Glad you all arrived safely and that so far so good with the weather!

    Looking forward to hear more about your adventures on here each day – thanks to Mr Reid for keeping us up to date.

    House is very quiet without you and we all miss you, even Daniel though he wont admit it. So far he’s managing to keep the room tidy but we’ll see how the rest of the week goes….

    Have fun tomorrow! Cant wait to read all about it.

    Miss you – love Mum, Daniel, Gran and Papa xxxx

  13. Dear Sean and everyone from St Matthews

    Glad to hear you all arrived safely and that so far so good with the weather. Looking forward to hearing about all your adventures, thanks to Mr Reid for keeping us up to date.

    House is very quiet without you and we all miss you even Daniel, though he denies it! He’s even managed to keep the room tidy so far, but we’ll see how the rest of the week goes….

    Hope you have another great day tomorrow

    Miss you – love Mum, Daniel, Gran and Papa xxxx

  14. Josh
    Missing you. Glad you’re having a great time with amazing adventures with good weather!!! Even Ethan is missing you!
    See you Friday for Uncle Brians party! Couldn’t have it without you! Yay! Love&hugs, mum dad Ethan eva & Sophie xxx

  15. Hi Luke

    We’re all missing you, especially Zico. We are trying to keep you some of the goodies from Hayleys halloween trip, but sean has ate most of the choccies and dad ate the crisps!!

    Have a good sleep tonight ready for another fun packed day. Bet your missing your comfy bed.

    Lots of love
    Mum,Dad,Sean,Hayley & Zicoxxxx

  16. wassup peeps, how is it nicole? what helper have you got i got nicola when i went last year. remember gorgewalking is freezing!! absailing is really good and all the activities were fun. Did any teachers fall at the night walk becausmclaughlin did last year.from leezo x

  17. Hey Josh.
    Hope you’re well and loving it! I’m sure you are. Keep enjoying all the adventures. Hope the weather stays dry for y’all! Ethan misses you too????? Can you believe that??? Uncle Brians party is gona be Friday just for you!!! Yay! Been trying to send you a blog message ALL night! Love you!
    Mum, Dad,Ethan,Eva and Sophie xxxxx

  18. Hi Rachel, Everyone missed you at Kirsty’s party, but don’t worry I have a goodie bag for you. I won’t let Emma near the cake……

    Hope you are having a fantastic time, we all miss you and can’t wait to hear all about Ardentinny.

    Love Mum, Dad and Emma xxx

  19. Hi Olivia, glad things are going well in Ardentinny – you must be having such fun. Hope you managed to get some sleep and weren’t chatting all night!
    Remember to wrap up warm and take lots of pictures. Can’t wait till Friday to hear all your news.
    Missing you babes!
    Lots of love, Mum, Dad and Sophie x

  20. Hi Robyn McGlynn,
    Hope the journey was ok ! Did you manage to carry your suitcase and make your bed ? Hope you enjoy all of the activites cant wait to here how everything went see you on friday. Love mum,dad,Cara,Olivia,Sophie and Molly.

  21. Hi luke S,
    Hope you had a great day in the sunshine and had lots of fun. Hope youve made lots of new friends in your Group and you do lots of new outdoor activities. Hope, you, Ryan and Daniel like your dorm.
    Mum Sharan, john and Olivia

  22. hi morgan hope your having a great time .dont miss us too much ,just enjoy yourself.just to let you know juniors been born .kirsty had a baby girl today ,love mum &dad ,

  23. Hi everyone,
    I had Nicola as an instructor yesterday. I went gorge walking today and the water was freezing! Miss you lots.
    Love Nicole x

  24. Hi Liam McD

    Hope you are enjoying it! Did you manage to get that big suitcase upstairs? Missing you lots Having a lovely time here SHOPPING!


  25. hi morgan ,hope your having a good time and not missing us too much ,haha.dont enjoy yourself too much and remember to come home .
    p.s junior was born today .kirsty had a baby girl .love you lots .see you soon .have fun .mum &dad xxx

  26. Hi Christopher,

    Hope you are having a great time. Tidied your room today and now that I know you can make your bed I have left your duvet cover so that you can put it back on when you come back on Friday.

    Aidan is missing you.

    Lots of love Mum, Dad and Aidan.

  27. Hi Eve, glad the weather was good for your first day, though I’m sure you would have coped with the wind (can’t gave been worse than Blackpool) lol. Mia sends her love but I think she just misses you organising her! We spent 20 minutes this morning searching for her coat with no luck!! £5 if you can guess where she left it… Enjoy yourself. Love & miss you lots. Mum, Dad & Mia xoxo

  28. Hi Jack (Devine) Sounds like you’re having a great time! Gran Gran and Pa say hello! I took Joseph and Jonathan for lunch today. 🙂 I’m going to paint your room this week!! Any guesses which colour?? Missing you, see you soon! Lots of love from Mum, Joseph, Jonathan, Gran Gran and Pa!xxx

  29. Mornin Gabriel! It’s just after 7 and yr brother and sister r still in bed. Aidan came home wi sore tummy and Mahoney had one last night too, but you and I both know that they have a stash of sweets that they’re still scoffing! Will search bedrooms today.

    I keep smiling when I think of you in Ardentinny, this is the perfect place for you, what an adventure! Remember what Miss Galbraith said though… NO climbing 40foot trees!!!

    After tonight you’ve only got 1 day! and then we’ll see you on Friday! Can’t wait to hear the stories. Have you had time to ask Mr Reid about film making? Many thanks to Mr Reid for the site.

    Dad, Aid and Mah send love, Guinea Pigs say squeak and Maggie and Gypsy say woof!

  30. Morning Josh!
    Good luck today on your Gorge walk and orienteering! You’ll be fab!Hope you’re eating well and not being too fussy!! Got to keep those muscles fed!!! Sophie is wondering where her big brother is, she thinks you’re ”Josh at work””! Have a great day!
    Love from all the family! xxxxxxx

  31. Hi Morgan,

    Sounds like you are having a fantastic time. Wish we were there having fun! Cant wait to hear of all the brilliant things you have been up to. Gran, Grannie and Granda are also desperate to hear of your adventures. See you soon.

    Love Mum Dad and Cameron

  32. Hi Ellie
    I hope you are having an amazing time. The activities sound fantastic!! Dad is getting on with your new room, it is looking lovely. Mum is standing in the doorway giving instructions!!

    I wasn’t well yesterday (don’t listen to mum saying it’s Missing Ellie syndrome- because its not !). Hope you managed to get the suitcase up the stairs and your bed made! This is a big hope that you got totally spooked out on the “night walk” . Please keep safe for the world qualifying at the weekend. Hope you enjoyed that well deserved dinner- it sounds YUMMY !!!! Ok luv ya,see ya BYE – Gracie xxx <3 🙂

    Hi Ellie Belle
    We are all missing you loads. As usual Gracie is keeping us in line though!! The activities from day 2 sound amazing and I'm sure you will have loved it!!
    Continue to have a ball, take care of each other and try not to get an injury before the weekend!!!

    Love you
    Mum and Dad

  33. Hi Annie

    Hope your having a fab time! It’s sounds exciting with all the fun activities your doing. Mia is wishing she was there with you, and Lila is wondering where you are!, she was looking in your room for you.ha. Well enjoy the rest of the week and can’t wait to see you on Friday. Miss and love you loads mum, dad, michelle, mia, Lila.xxxxx.

  34. Hi Eve
    Hope you are having a great time-Cant wait to fly back from Sunny Qatar on Friday to see you.
    See you soon
    Dad x

  35. Hi Eve
    Hope you are having a fantastic time, and I cant wait to fly back from Qatar to see you on Friday
    See you soon
    Dad x

  36. Hi Christopher,

    Hope you are having a great time. Got your postcard this morning. We have been trying to post messages from Monday however they don’t seem to be appearing on blog. Your room is nice and tidy for you coming back although I have left the covers for your bed in your room now that I know you can make your own bed LOL. Aidan is missing you loads although enjoying quality time on your playstation.

    Love Mum, Dad and Aidan

  37. hi gaberiel i miss u sooooooooooo much. your awsome im so angry u missed halloween cany wait 2 c u.How u doing???????????????????????????????????????????????????????. cany wait for me 2 TELL UUUUUUUUU AAAAAALLLLL TTHHHHEEEEEEEEE’SS JOKES. WISH U WERE HERE I LUV PLAYIN WAY UR MAGNETS I PUT MORF IN A FUNNY POSITION!!!!! r u still on the 1st book or the 2nd book?????????????????????????????????????? hope ur enjoyin ardintiny

    tell me evrythin u did?? when u come home and can u pla tig


  38. Hey Gabe xxx

    Its mahoney =D just wanted 2 say i hope u are enjoying yourself! xxxxxx got your postcard, and i love the drawing u did of maggie n gypsy! xxxxxx they miss u loads! xxx<3 I know this is random but thought u would like 2 know that mum is now the 1 that has been saying ko lol soz wuu2 brb gtg! n its ssssssooooooooooo annoying xxxxxxx (lol) xxx<3

    see u soon xxxxxxx

    lots of love me xx

  39. Hey Eve xxx

    its Mahoney n Aidan xxx both of us gutted that u weren’t there 4 halloween! xxxxxxx graveyard wasn’t the best but still xxxxx pllllleeeaaasssseeeeeeee tell me every thing that happened where u are xxx

    Hey this is Aidan HOW R U Eve? xxxxxxx
    How r u im annoyed that ur away, has Lauren sent u any messages.
    plzzzzzzz tell me verythin about it. I dont want 2 go.

    WHAT U UP 2????????????????? C YA SOON
    Hi Eve, hope yr havin a great time, c u on Fri munchkin, loluv Aunty K and Uncle Michael

  40. Hi Nathan, hope your having a brilliant time. Missing you lots. Carly and Lucas want you to hurry back. They went out for halloween and are desperate to share their goodies with you!! Wee rocky is fine too, still cheeky and wanting his walks every five mins haha. Well i hope you are enjoying yourself and we are all looking forward to seeing you when you come home. Love you, mum, david, lucas, carly and the 2 rocky`s xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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