Tag Archives: University

Stephan Roy


Stephen Roy is the best friend and roommate of Carlos Ruiz. They met when they were 13 and they haven’t left eachother’s side since . Stephan is at University training to be a meteorologist . However throughout his whole life Stephan has suffered from an extreme illness that can turn life threatening at any moment. This illness has already caused Stephan to lose the feeling in his legs and he is now in a wheelchair . He has been in a wheelchair since he was 15 He can’t do as much as other people do because that might set the illness off again. To delay the effects of the illness Stephan has to take a rare drug that is very expensive. The only person who knows about this illness is Carlos Ruiz and Stephan’s family of course. Stephan’s family lives in France but Stephan has an uncle who lives around the corner from his university that he is very close too. Doctors have told Stephan that he won’t live as long as others and sometimes when the illness becomes really bad he tries to hide it from Carlos . He is worried that he will leave Carlos alone in the world and for Carlos to see His best friend  ill is heartbreaking even when it isn’t at its worst.

Carlos Ruiz


Carlos Ruiz is 27 and lives with his roommate Stephan Roy.  He is originally from Mexico but had to drop out of school and move to Britian because his parents were murdered by a gang and he had to move away for police witness protection and has lived in Britian for 16 years . Stephan Roy has been his best friend since they were 13 and he tells him everythig and vice versa .  He works as a mechanic but his number one ambtition is to become a scientist like hios father was. Carlos has no siblings and finds it very hard to make friends.