Tag Archives: Teenager

Scarlet Ross

Scarlet’s family are in a long line of gypsy descendants and her family are very fixed on the gypsy  lifestyle. She  loved her large extended family but longed to attend  normal public school rather than being taught irregularly by her parents in their caravan. at the age of 12 her parents gave in to her wish for a normal life so now she and her parents live in a house and she is attending public school although due  to her early childhood she is  massively  judged at her school  because of the towns issues with gypsy in the past. she strives to have a different life from that of her parent and have a stable non hectic family life. now aged 15 she has lived in the town for three years she has become friendly with 14year old hugo because of how close they live to each there

Her mother works at a flower shop in town and her dad is a door to door sales man although her parents work they have little qualifications to be able to earn a well paid job so the family rely on benefits from the government too keep their family on their feet. scarlet also has a part time job washing the dishes for a pub down the road she feels like she should also provide for the  families welfare

Hayley Jenkins


Hayley Jenkins is the daughter of Hugo Jenkins . Her father is the leader of a bodyguard association that protects people , mainly famous or important people , all around the world or that is what she thinks . He is actually the world’s most powerful human trafficker but Hayley doesn’t know this at all . Hayley is 17 years old and while her father is away on “business”  in Saudi Arabia she is staying with her family friends . When Hayley was young her mother and her father had a divorce and she lived with her mother until she was 13 and since then has lived with her father . She used to live in New York with her mother but now lives here in Piaget.

Kyle Strong


Kyle Strong is the older brother of Daryl Strong. Kyle is 18 and  has always been the popular kid , however he had a run in with the police when his older brother , Jeremiah Strong,  asked him to drive his  friends somewhere to pick up a package. Kyle agreed but realised once he got there he had to steal the car. Also Kyle thought these friends of Jeremiah seemed a bit odd. He stole the car successfully but the car was being tracked by the police and Jeremiah’s “friends” got away and Kyle was taken away by the police. The rival gang of Jeremiahs gang learnt of Kyle’s arrest and are now on the hunt to kidnap him to learn the secrets of Jeremiahs gang or to get Jermiah to surrender .

Daryl Strong



Daryl Strong is 16 years old and lives with his Gran , Mum , Dad and 2 older brothers , Kyle Strong and Jeremiah Strong .  Daryl was bullied in primary school because he was overweight . Even some of the teachers picked on him but obviously differently than the other kids . So after Primary School Daryl decided to change . He wanted to lose weight . So he started to skip meals and exercise more . However in Daryl’s eyes none of this seemed to help . So he skipped more meals until he hardly ate any food . His weight did drop and he couldn’t sleep at night and found it hard to hide it from his family and friends .  Utill one day he fainted in front of his whole family from lack of food and he was rushed to the hospital . The doctors gave him advice and he was given a psychiatrist to help him . This has helped him but Daryl thinks that one wrong comment could push him over the edge again and this time he would be more careful

Kat Macintosh


Kat on the outside is just a normal ordinary teenage girl . She is 17 years old . She lives with her parents and a younger brother and an older sister . Kat can easily make friends . However once she makes them she makes mean comments not knowing how hurtful they are to her friends . Once she realises that she has hurt her friends she can’t say sorry , so she puts as much space between her and her friends as much as possible . For example she blocks their number or ignores their texts . Therefore causing more hurt . This happens to mostly every friendship Kat has .

Hugo Williams

Hugo is 14 he lives with his mother mazy Williams and is looked after by his mum and older brother Brodie Williams who lives in a house across from Hugo with his pregnant girlfriend Imogene .Hugo’s dad left when he was 2 to go live with the woman he had had an affair with,his  dad and the woman now have three children Cara, brooke and Isaac and got married when Hugo was little. Hugo has a very strained relationship with his father as his mother and father do not get along. He very rarely sees him and looks to his older brother as more of a father figure.

Hugo is dyslexic and was diagnosed when he as ten. It was noticed when he was unable to read or spell as well as the other children his age. He struggles in school but get a number of supports from teachers to help him keep up with class work.

he has found friendship with scarlet ross who is a 15 year old gypsy who moved too town a few year ago, they help each other through all their issues such as bullying or learning difficulties

Pierce Newton


Pierce Newton is 19 and lives with her father, Gregory Newton aged 44.  Her mother left when she was 10 and has re-married and had two children. Pierce doesn’t see her mother but she is happy with her father and doesn’t wish to see her mother. Her and her father are very close. However her father becomes ill very often and she is worred for his health. Unfortunately he refuses to go to a hospital or see a doctor. He doesnt want to leave Pierce on her own.

Dylan Tessaro


Dylan Tessaro is 17 years old and lives with her mother and little brother. Her mother is an alcholic and has had to raise 4 year old Timothy on her own. She skips the end of school to pick him up and has to work 2 jobs so she missses out on a lot of school. Her and her mother were very close until their father died in a plane crash. they have no other family. She tries to do the best for Timothy and protects him in any way she can against her mother who either passes out from drinking too much or is in a violent mood after a lot of drinks.