Tag Archives: Single parent family

Hayley Jenkins


Hayley Jenkins is the daughter of Hugo Jenkins . Her father is the leader of a bodyguard association that protects people , mainly famous or important people , all around the world or that is what she thinks . He is actually the world’s most powerful human trafficker but Hayley doesn’t know this at all . Hayley is 17 years old and while her father is away on “business”  in Saudi Arabia she is staying with her family friends . When Hayley was young her mother and her father had a divorce and she lived with her mother until she was 13 and since then has lived with her father . She used to live in New York with her mother but now lives here in Piaget.

Vannessa Powers


Vanessa Powers is the mother of Dylan and Timothy Tessaro . Vanessa lost her husband in a plane crash and has never recovered . She went to see doctors at first but soon resolved to drink . She drinks heavily and the relationship between her and her children has been broken . She was fired from her job because she went to work drunk . All of her friends tried to help her but they gave up . With no other family she was left on her own .

Pierce Newton


Pierce Newton is 19 and lives with her father, Gregory Newton aged 44.  Her mother left when she was 10 and has re-married and had two children. Pierce doesn’t see her mother but she is happy with her father and doesn’t wish to see her mother. Her and her father are very close. However her father becomes ill very often and she is worred for his health. Unfortunately he refuses to go to a hospital or see a doctor. He doesnt want to leave Pierce on her own.

Dylan Tessaro


Dylan Tessaro is 17 years old and lives with her mother and little brother. Her mother is an alcholic and has had to raise 4 year old Timothy on her own. She skips the end of school to pick him up and has to work 2 jobs so she missses out on a lot of school. Her and her mother were very close until their father died in a plane crash. they have no other family. She tries to do the best for Timothy and protects him in any way she can against her mother who either passes out from drinking too much or is in a violent mood after a lot of drinks.

Timothy Tessaro


Timothy Tessaro lives with his older sister and mother. His mother’s name is Vanessa powers however his mother is an alchohlic and him and his sister often come home to find her unconcious from drinking too much.  Timothy is 4 years old and his older sister, Dylan , is 17. Things weren’t always like this .  It only started when Timothy’s dad died in a plane crash when Timothy was only 2 and a  1/2 . All pictures around the house of their dad was removed. Dylan has basically raised Timothy ever since.