Tag Archives: rich

Malcolm Roy


Malcolm Roy is the uncle of Stephan Roy . He is 53 years old . He is a rich businessman .  Malcolm lives by himself but visits Stephan and his roommate often . The supplier of the rare drug that can help with Stephan’s illness is Malcolm . Every 3 months hebuys the drug from China . This is the only thing that can help Stephan . Malcolm also is in contact with the rest of his and Stephan’s family in France and gives them an update on his nephew’s health . He pays a great deal of money for treatment for Stephan . Malcolm is basically Stephan’s guardian and will do anything he can to protect him .


Jed Potts


Jed moved to Cariton when he won the lottery as he did not want people to know his success. He spends a lot of his time playing on line games and drinking energy drinks to keep him awake at night. During the day Jed tends to sleep or play his electric guitar. He is not very sociable and most people ignore him when they pass him in the street or think he is scary. He lives at 6 Doolittle cresent.