Tag Archives: health issues

Vannessa Powers


Vanessa Powers is the mother of Dylan and Timothy Tessaro . Vanessa lost her husband in a plane crash and has never recovered . She went to see doctors at first but soon resolved to drink . She drinks heavily and the relationship between her and her children has been broken . She was fired from her job because she went to work drunk . All of her friends tried to help her but they gave up . With no other family she was left on her own .

Imogene Anderson

Imogene is 24 she lives with her boyfriend Brodie across the street from his family and she is pregnant with their first child that is due in early October. She has a good relationship with her family as of her teen struggles, her family live in a nearby town and she visits them regularly. As a teenager she struggled with anorexia and depression after months of no one knowing she reached a critical state and ended up in hospital for a few months during all of this she was diagnosed with clinical depression, she has now recovered from the issues from her past. These struggles meant that Imogene was out of school an awful lot a though she did manage to get minimum qualifications after returning. She is now a hair dresser in a hair salon in town.

Her boyfriend and her managed too bond over their troubled school life a Brodie had issue with crime and alcohol when he was younger, they are both getting their lives back on track and take a lot of time to look after Brodie’s younger brother as his mother suffers from anxiety and panic attacks.

Mazy Williams

Mazy is 33 she is mother of Hugo and Brodie Williams, she divorced her husband after he left to live with woman he had and an affair with at the time Hugo was two and Brodie was 15. She now does not get on very well with her ex husband and the children rarely got too see him as they him growing up. She has been in a number of relationships since the divorce but none of them have worked out due to her struggles with anxiety and panic attacks this made looking after her children difficult. But as Brodie is now older he helps bring up his younger brother to relive stress from his mother.

She has very little contact with her family as they did not agree with her young pregnancy with Brodie and they also did not agree with the relationship she had with her now ex husband. Her relationship with them has somewhat improved now that she and her ex husband got divorced.

She used to work in the local nursery teacher but left soon after Hugo as born so she could devote more time looking after him. She now works short shift in the local super market to provide money for her family though they get benefits as the money made is not enough to support them

Stephan Roy


Stephen Roy is the best friend and roommate of Carlos Ruiz. They met when they were 13 and they haven’t left eachother’s side since . Stephan is at University training to be a meteorologist . However throughout his whole life Stephan has suffered from an extreme illness that can turn life threatening at any moment. This illness has already caused Stephan to lose the feeling in his legs and he is now in a wheelchair . He has been in a wheelchair since he was 15 He can’t do as much as other people do because that might set the illness off again. To delay the effects of the illness Stephan has to take a rare drug that is very expensive. The only person who knows about this illness is Carlos Ruiz and Stephan’s family of course. Stephan’s family lives in France but Stephan has an uncle who lives around the corner from his university that he is very close too. Doctors have told Stephan that he won’t live as long as others and sometimes when the illness becomes really bad he tries to hide it from Carlos . He is worried that he will leave Carlos alone in the world and for Carlos to see His best friend  ill is heartbreaking even when it isn’t at its worst.

Nancy Clarke


Nancy Clarke is 46. She had breast cancer 5 years ago and when her hair grew back after chemotherapy it was grey. Apart from this she is very fit and works in the florist. Nancy’s husband left her during her treatment as he could not cope with the stress. Her son works in London and visits her monthly. Nancy’s sister Steph moved in with Nancy to 14 Doolittle Crescent  4 years ago when they turned the house into 2 flats. Steph occupies the ground floor whilst Nancy lives on the first floor. This arrangement suits them both.

Jed Potts


Jed moved to Cariton when he won the lottery as he did not want people to know his success. He spends a lot of his time playing on line games and drinking energy drinks to keep him awake at night. During the day Jed tends to sleep or play his electric guitar. He is not very sociable and most people ignore him when they pass him in the street or think he is scary. He lives at 6 Doolittle cresent.