Tag Archives: Carer


Maggie is 76 years old. She lives with her 34 year old son and wife who take care of her. She has physio three times a week for a hip injury she got 6 years ago after she fell in the street.

Her husband Charlie of fifty five years died last year from lung cancer. They had four children; thirty year old Karen and thirty two year old Charlie have fought in the army for five years after they signed up together and their eldest son Peter is one of the queens butlers.

Sophia Campbell

She is 21 and lives with her father and Twin sister Lucy. Sophia  goes to the local university and is trying to be a doctor. Sophia loves music but has been half death since she was  born. Her mum left when her and Lucy so the  only one of all the know is her father. Sophia cousin Zack  and her are best friends the live right next to each other. Sophia has been caring for her sister since 17 sophia2

Imogene Anderson

Imogene is 24 she lives with her boyfriend Brodie across the street from his family and she is pregnant with their first child that is due in early October. She has a good relationship with her family as of her teen struggles, her family live in a nearby town and she visits them regularly. As a teenager she struggled with anorexia and depression after months of no one knowing she reached a critical state and ended up in hospital for a few months during all of this she was diagnosed with clinical depression, she has now recovered from the issues from her past. These struggles meant that Imogene was out of school an awful lot a though she did manage to get minimum qualifications after returning. She is now a hair dresser in a hair salon in town.

Her boyfriend and her managed too bond over their troubled school life a Brodie had issue with crime and alcohol when he was younger, they are both getting their lives back on track and take a lot of time to look after Brodie’s younger brother as his mother suffers from anxiety and panic attacks.

Brodie Williams

Brodie is 25 he lives with his pregnant girlfriend and Imogene spent a lot of time looking after his much younger brother Hugo Williams as their mother suffered anxiety and panic attacks. Brodie’s father left when he was 15 this event was not taken well by Brodie who later turned to violence and drinking due to his home issues but after three years of having been in and out of jail he turned his life around and now works for a mechanic for the local garage.

His girlfriend Imogene and he both met when he was 19 in the pharmacy while he was collecting some of his mother medicine. He later found out that Imogene had suffered with anorexia and depression for most of her teen age years. Their teen struggles helped them bond and they are expecting their first child together in October

Pierce Newton


Pierce Newton is 19 and lives with her father, Gregory Newton aged 44.  Her mother left when she was 10 and has re-married and had two children. Pierce doesn’t see her mother but she is happy with her father and doesn’t wish to see her mother. Her and her father are very close. However her father becomes ill very often and she is worred for his health. Unfortunately he refuses to go to a hospital or see a doctor. He doesnt want to leave Pierce on her own.