Category Archives: Personal Profiles

Billy Green


Billy Green is 76 and lives at 25 Doolittle Crescent. He has recently had a stroke which has paralysed his right hand side. Billy is having 24 hour emergency care by the homecare team but is considering moving into Cariton care as a long term solution for his physical care needs and because he feels isolated in his house. He enjoys going to the coffee shop but only some of the taxis can accomodate his chair

Morag Mcginty


Morag Mcginty  is 89 and lives alone in 4 Doolittle Crescent. She suffers from agrophobia and smokes 30 cigarettes a day. Morag spends most of her time shopoing on line and selling things she has bought on ebay. Her neice works in the post office and collects her parcels every other day.

Janet Culpepper

JanetCulpepperJanet Culpepper is 24 and is a beauty therapist. She works at Cariton Care home part time and in people’s homes the rest of the week, fitting it around her childcare responsibilities. The father of Janet’s child has remained a mystery to all of Cariton as she went through a mental health crisis leading up to the pregnacy and had lots of unsafe sex. When she discovered she was pregnant she went to live with her sister and father so they could nurse her back to full mental health. Beauty therapy has been a positive focus in her life.