Category Archives: Personal Profiles

Cleo Peace

She is 27 and lives with her husband and is pregnent  with her second  child.she moved out of her fathers house Tony campbell, 2 years ago and now lives on Theresa square. Her fist child was a still birth so she is hope this one will be ok. She works as a nurse and a comunity centre and enjoys going for reading novels.

Nancy Clarke


Nancy Clarke is 46. She had breast cancer 5 years ago and when her hair grew back after chemotherapy it was grey. Apart from this she is very fit and works in the florist. Nancy’s husband left her during her treatment as he could not cope with the stress. Her son works in London and visits her monthly. Nancy’s sister Steph moved in with Nancy to 14 Doolittle Crescent  4 years ago when they turned the house into 2 flats. Steph occupies the ground floor whilst Nancy lives on the first floor. This arrangement suits them both.

Jed Potts


Jed moved to Cariton when he won the lottery as he did not want people to know his success. He spends a lot of his time playing on line games and drinking energy drinks to keep him awake at night. During the day Jed tends to sleep or play his electric guitar. He is not very sociable and most people ignore him when they pass him in the street or think he is scary. He lives at 6 Doolittle cresent.