Beth Campbell

beth Campbell is the sister of victor Campbell.

She has no children because she  was stabbed in the stomach  and had to go through huge surgery that left her infertile she always  wanted to be a mother but the because the surgery left her so ill she would not be fit to adopt now she 69 and loves looking after her nieces and nephews children and lives with her Niece Lou

Ellie Campbell

She is the daughter of Nico Campbell she has a younger half brother called zander, her father left her and Nico  to live one there own with out any money Ellie is 10 years old and has only meet one of her uncles because of her mothers pasted with her family. Ellie has been expelled from school once because of violent behaviour to an other pupil and has a terrible relationship with her brother


Maggie is 76 years old. She lives with her 34 year old son and wife who take care of her. She has physio three times a week for a hip injury she got 6 years ago after she fell in the street.

Her husband Charlie of fifty five years died last year from lung cancer. They had four children; thirty year old Karen and thirty two year old Charlie have fought in the army for five years after they signed up together and their eldest son Peter is one of the queens butlers.

Seth Campbell

Seth white was adopted when he was six months old by Jamie Campbell. His parents both died in an car accident   Seth was the only one that survived but he lost his arm in the accident. He was bully in high school and ended up taking drugs. Jamie help him though it and after one year he got a job working in the local newsagents he still live with Jamie and often he care for his sister Lucy.

Jasper Donald

Jasper Donald is 16 years old boyfriend to Jessica Taylor he has learning disability such as dyslexia he suffered from depression as he got bullied for a long period of time but he over came that and started socialising with new friends and then met Jessica through a friend of a friend and they have been together for three years .

Jamie Pringle

Jamie Pringle is 38 and lives with 9 month year old Adam  after losing his wife and two kids in a car crash when Jamie went hillwalking with a group of friends, his wife and two kids went to pick him up when all of a sudden they swerved and therefore drove off a cliff.  Adam was with a babysitter at the time.He suffers from depression. His wife aged 36 was a teacher at Cariton primary school and his children were called Fredrick aged 11 and Zuzanna aged 2

Zac Menagoa

Zac Menagoa is engaged to Chloe Lionetté who is six months pregnant. He has stopped playing football to care for Chloe and the baby. He is 29 years old.

He currently coaches the Cariton school team. He was in a car crash when he was nineteen and has a minor neck injury that he hasn’t had physio for but he should have.

His family was very supportive to Chloe when they met right after she had left her dad. His parents took Chloe in as though their own child and helped to pay for the move into Piaget.