David Campbell

David lives with his auntie Vanessa Campbell and sometimes cares for her. he is 17 years old. David lost  his parents when he was 10 in a car crash and 6 months later he developed alopecia . At 15 he went to a young affenders because of shop lifting  for 6 months after he went to live with his auntie .  David is in a relationship with connie smith and are planning to move in with each other.David

Sophia Campbell

She is 21 and lives with her father and Twin sister Lucy. Sophia  goes to the local university and is trying to be a doctor. Sophia loves music but has been half death since she was  born. Her mum left when her and Lucy so the  only one of all the know is her father. Sophia cousin Zack  and her are best friends the live right next to each other. Sophia has been caring for her sister since 17 sophia2

Malcolm Roy


Malcolm Roy is the uncle of Stephan Roy . He is 53 years old . He is a rich businessman .  Malcolm lives by himself but visits Stephan and his roommate often . The supplier of the rare drug that can help with Stephan’s illness is Malcolm . Every 3 months hebuys the drug from China . This is the only thing that can help Stephan . Malcolm also is in contact with the rest of his and Stephan’s family in France and gives them an update on his nephew’s health . He pays a great deal of money for treatment for Stephan . Malcolm is basically Stephan’s guardian and will do anything he can to protect him .


Vannessa Powers


Vanessa Powers is the mother of Dylan and Timothy Tessaro . Vanessa lost her husband in a plane crash and has never recovered . She went to see doctors at first but soon resolved to drink . She drinks heavily and the relationship between her and her children has been broken . She was fired from her job because she went to work drunk . All of her friends tried to help her but they gave up . With no other family she was left on her own .

Daryl Strong



Daryl Strong is 16 years old and lives with his Gran , Mum , Dad and 2 older brothers , Kyle Strong and Jeremiah Strong .  Daryl was bullied in primary school because he was overweight . Even some of the teachers picked on him but obviously differently than the other kids . So after Primary School Daryl decided to change . He wanted to lose weight . So he started to skip meals and exercise more . However in Daryl’s eyes none of this seemed to help . So he skipped more meals until he hardly ate any food . His weight did drop and he couldn’t sleep at night and found it hard to hide it from his family and friends .  Utill one day he fainted in front of his whole family from lack of food and he was rushed to the hospital . The doctors gave him advice and he was given a psychiatrist to help him . This has helped him but Daryl thinks that one wrong comment could push him over the edge again and this time he would be more careful

Kat Macintosh


Kat on the outside is just a normal ordinary teenage girl . She is 17 years old . She lives with her parents and a younger brother and an older sister . Kat can easily make friends . However once she makes them she makes mean comments not knowing how hurtful they are to her friends . Once she realises that she has hurt her friends she can’t say sorry , so she puts as much space between her and her friends as much as possible . For example she blocks their number or ignores their texts . Therefore causing more hurt . This happens to mostly every friendship Kat has .