Zack Campbell

He is 20 and lives with his father Tony Campbell. He had a long lasting relasionship with his best friend. He is a worker at the village cafe  and playes at bars and club . He what to move to the other part of town but is still living in Theresa Street. He enjoys going out on nights out but can’t go out because of family issuses.

Charlotte Wright

Charlotte is 39 years old. She is married to Mitch Wright. They have been married for 14 years. Charlotte is a mum to Jaya Wright. Charlotte works as a social worker, which she has been doing for a while now. She aslo loves spending time with her family and going on holiday! Charlotte and her daughter Jaya are very close and have been through a lot.

Timothy Tessaro


Timothy Tessaro lives with his older sister and mother. His mother’s name is Vanessa powers however his mother is an alchohlic and him and his sister often come home to find her unconcious from drinking too much.  Timothy is 4 years old and his older sister, Dylan , is 17. Things weren’t always like this .  It only started when Timothy’s dad died in a plane crash when Timothy was only 2 and a  1/2 . All pictures around the house of their dad was removed. Dylan has basically raised Timothy ever since.

Jaya Wright

Jaya is 19 years old. She goes to university. Jaya is studying care at university because when she was younger she has always wanted to work with children and help them. When Jaya was younger she had a really serious eating disorder and it stoppped her from doing a lot. She got homed school because she got bullied for her eaten disorder.