Janet Culpepper

JanetCulpepperJanet Culpepper is 24 and is a beauty therapist. She works at Cariton Care home part time and in people’s homes the rest of the week, fitting it around her childcare responsibilities. The father of Janet’s child has remained a mystery to all of Cariton as she went through a mental health crisis leading up to the pregnacy and had lots of unsafe sex. When she discovered she was pregnant she went to live with her sister and father so they could nurse her back to full mental health. Beauty therapy has been a positive focus in her life.

Norman Culpepper

NormanCulpepperNorman is 58 and lives with his two daughters and two grandchildren. He moved to Cariton when he was in his early fifties after his divorce. Sue was working for Cariton care and lived in a flat just outside the village and she often met himfor lunch.  First Sue moved in with him when she was expecting her baby and when Janet became pregnant she moved to Cariton to live with them too. Norman is a taxi driver and enjoys playing  dominoes at Cariton Arms