
Date: 5/9/23    Room Planner 

Wellbeing (My-self, social, emotional and communication)  Movement and Co-ordination 


Confidence, Creativity and Curiosity 
Learning Intentions:-
(e.g. I can, I am beginning to..) WB07: I am beginning to develop independence skills  


Learning Intentions:-
(e.g. I can, I am beginning to..) M&C 05: I use different spaces safely (a) 
Learning Intentions:-
(e.g. I can, I am beginning to..) CCC 01: I am exploring different wet/dry sensory materials (b) 
Experiences which:- 

– I can help with dressing by holding out my arms and legs  

– I can take off simple clothing  

– I can actively help to dress and undress  


Ideas: – independent feeding at meal times, independent toileting, independent dressing/undressing with coats, wellies and changing time, hygiene routines 


Experiences which:- 

I can confidently access different play spaces which are available  


Ideas: –care plans, All About Me, encourage parental engagement in Learning Journals, frequent visits to 3-5 room, staff photos of 3-5 staff 


Experiences which:- 

– offer me the choice of different sensory textures, smells, tastes  

– encourage the use of descriptive language  

– provide opportunities to explore mathematical concepts such as “full” and “empty”  


Ideas: daily sensory experiences, explore variety of dry materials, explore variety of wet materials. opportunities to mix different textures etc

Interactions that:- 

– support me to become independent in toileting routines, i.e give toilet reminders, encouragement and praise  

– encourage me to look after my belongings, i.e jackets and bags on pegs  

– support me consistently to follow hand washing and toothbrushing routines 


Interactions that:- 

– support me to feel safe and confident in my new 2 year old room environment, i.e building nurturing relationships with new staff  

– support me to transition into my new 3-5 playroom, i.e building new relationships with new staff and peers, visit new playroom frequently  

– complete Care Plans in timely manner to establish knowledge of child which will help them settle 

Interactions that:- 

– encourage my confidence, curiosity and creativity by suggesting I try things out.  

– provide me with descriptive language as i explore  

– provide me with tools to explore different sensory materials 

Spaces which:- 

toilets which are clean and easy to access  

– peg for each individual child  

– pictorial environmental print, i.e photos of child on peg and shoe holder  

– hand washing facilities which are at child height and stocked with paper towels and soap  

– environmental print of independent skills 

Spaces which:- 

– offer me multiple opportunities to visit my new playroom and interact with new keyworker  

– playroom is well set up with experiences which cater to my likes, needs and interests 


Spaces which:- 

– offer me opportunities to explore and inquire, for example explore the properties of sand, water and dough 





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