All posts by Michelle

Wee Talk information sessions

There are some dates arranged for sessions around wee talk home work and the benefits surrounding it

These sessions will be informal and will allow you to gain more information on what is involved

If you would like to attend please write your name under the session you will be coming to

Word Aware

For all our returning parents and children concept cat will be back next week to teach us all about different words

To all our new parents the Word Aware approach has been developed to guide practitioners in implementing the principles of word learning.

We hope to organise in the near future so workshops around word aware but in the main time  please ask your child about word aware.

“Concept cat is a clever clever cat he looks here he looks there learning as he goes”

Parents with new and returning children this term

Some of you will be aware we are limited to space in our peg areas and they can become quite messy with things being misplaced and jackets often falling.

We also often find that some bags contain medication which must be kept in the medicine cupboard, toys which often become lost and food, as this year we have a few children with some serious allergies we ask that no food it brought to the ECC

To try and combat the above the ECC will he providing all children with a drawstring bag, this bad will have their name and group picture on it 😁

We ask that the bag stays within the ECC and that you provide a change of clothes to keep in the bag, children can still bring any comforters they may need if they are unsettled

We hope this will keep our peg areas nice and tidy and reduce the amount of lost property

Wee Talk

There is a new wee talk homework sheet available, the sheets are now available where the completed ones are displayed

This homework sheet is due returned 7th June and we would like you to chat with your child about their friends in the ECC.

Lending Library

Our lending library has had a revamp and is now suitable for all the family.

If anyone has any adult fiction books which they could donate to be used in our lending library it will be much appreciated.

You no longer need to sign the books in and out and can just take them and return at your leisure.