All posts by Mrs Allen

Creative Champion Roles

This year the creative champion roles have been split into focused areas.

Heather will be creative champion with a focus on literacy, linking in with rhyme of the month, Book Bug sessions throughout the terms amongst other things within the room.

Amy will be creative champion with a focus on numeracy, focusing on exploring colours, music and creating resources to be used within the playroom for counting and matching.

Please feel free to ask us about what we’re focusing and our plans.

National Gallery Competition

Over the next month the creative champions will be focusing on our entry to the National Gallery Art Competition for schools. We are going to create a few group entries for the ECC, the topic being petals, leaves and bumblebees.

We will start by looking at different artwork and photography around this topic and creating our own versions before working on our competition entries. If you’re out and about and spot any flowers or bumblebees with the spring time coming in or see any related artwork or photos have a quick chat about them with your child.

This is the first piece of art we will look at for our inspiration,

Ocean View by Alex Katz



Loose Parts Play – Creative

This month our creative focus is going to be Loose Parts Play. Loose parts play is important in a child’s creative development as it encourages imagination, social skills and co-operative play and vital communication skills. It is a great way to get chatting about what you could make out of your resources and how different things can work together to create your masterpiece!

Loose parts can be small bits and bobs found around the house or in the garden; like buttons, pebbles, pipe cleaners, feathers, egg cartons and yoghurt tubs, toilet roll tubes, leaves and sticks or bigger resources that are ideal for outdoors; such as tyres, pallets, logs and crates.

There is no right or wrong way to be creative using loose parts, you could gather a few different resources either randomly or round a theme of your choice (like shells, sticks and netting to be like a beach!) and create sculptures or artwork on the floor or table, garden or park! It can be as big or small as you like and the possibilities are endless in what you can create!

As always, we’d love to see pictures if you create something using loose parts in your home or outdoors. Share them on our Facebook page or your child’s e-portfolio if they have one.
