All posts by Miss McLaren

Back in School

back to schoolIt has been brilliant to have all our P1-3 pupils back in their classes! All the pupils had big smiles 😁 yesterday when they arrived though there were a few sleepy faces🥱😴  (not just the staff! 😂)

They have had lots of fun getting to see all their friends and classmates again.   We have been busy catching up, playing maths games, finger painting, constructing, reading funny stories and solving secret letter/picture codes as well as learning/revising the vital steps for handwashing via Cosmic Yoga.

Hopefully it won’t be long before we can welcome back all our P4-7 pupils too! 🤞

Health and Wellbeing for all

It is a difficult time for everyone at the moment and the above sticker is very important.  If you don’t take care of yourself then how can you take care of others?!

The following images are helpful tips that have been provided by CAMHS in NHS Highland:

This following image also provides some helpful suggestions for kids coping skills:

Impressive work so far

I have been so impressed with the work being completed both at home and in school so far.  I would like to say a big thank you for the photos to share your learning.  They are so good that we now have a Home/School Learning Activities Gallery page so everyone can see your hard work so far.  Well done! 👏👏

Happy Burns Day

Today is Robert Burns birthday (25th January).  He is famous for writing many poems, songs and stories.  People all over the world celebrate by holding Burns Suppers – reciting his work and eating haggis, tatties and neeps.

P1/2 have been sent a story called “Neeps and Tatties”.

It is written in Scots and English and is a fun read or listen. Enjoy!