P1/2 Growing Sharks and Active Measure

P1/2 are learning about Under the Sea.   Mrs Purdie kindly bought us some toy sharks that actually grow in our sea tray.  We decided we would measure them each day this week.  Before measuring with cubes, we all made an estimate of how many cubes long it was.  Some of our estimates were a little too big!



Day 1 – the sharks measured 6 cubes long.



We also tested out our estimation and measuring skills on pictures of sea creatures.

Day 2 of our shark measuring was done by Mrs Purdie as we  were off school.   They both measured 8 cubes long – they had grown 2 cubes longer in a day!

Day 3 – one of the sharks is now 9 cubes long and the other is 10  cubes long!


These are small measures so we challenged ourselves at estimating and measuring some of our classmates!





We counted all the cubes with Miss McLaren to see how long the pupils actually were.

Day 4 – we measured our sharks today after the weekend.  They had both grown again!  They are both now 11 cubes long!!


Today (Monday) we also decided to do an even bigger challenge of measuring the length of Mrs Purdie.  Again we made an estimate and then measured her length in cubes.


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