Primary 3 Homework – 23.02.2021

Hi P3,

I hope you have all had a good first few days back at school.

Please see below this weeks homework to be completed for Friday 26th February 2021.


Use your groups spelling words to complete the ‘Use Technology’ task.

Spelling Group A words

Spelling Group B words

Spelling Menu


Maths 3D Shape Homework

Reading – Giglets

All children have been issued with a Giglets log-in and password. Complete the tasks from the checklists below. Once you have completed the activities have a play about with Giglets and explore the different books. I can’t wait to hear what you think of it!

Giglets Check List


Home Learning for Primary 4 23.02.21

Good Morning Primary 4, what a wet and windy day!

I hope you all had a good start to the week yesterday and it was lovely to see some of you at our Teams meeting yesterday too.

I have attached all the work that you will need for today below. Any problems then please get in touch with me by emailing me or leave me a comment on Glow/Teams.

Daily Plan 23.02


Giglets Check List

Scottish Landmark Fact Cards

Scottish Landmark Fact File

Enjoy the rest of your day!

Mrs Ellison 🙂