Super Science With Mrs Canning Week2

Good Morning P3/4 Super Scientists

I hope you are all  well and looking forward to science this afternoon.  I have included a Powerpoint and  an activity you can print out. Please try all tasks and let me know how you manage!

I am pleased to let you know that Zach is our first Super Scientist of 2021. He completed all Education City  tasks and also built a lego  model of a power station. Well done Zach! Please log on to Education City to look for extra tasks.

Take Care  Mrs Canning x

Electricity Week 2 pp3-4

SwitchedOnKids_colouringsheet (1)

3 thoughts on “Super Science With Mrs Canning Week2”

    1. Morning Mitchell,

      I had a wee look at the Science work yesterday and it looked so much fun. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Hope your having a good day!

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