In Numeracy, we have been exploring using rounding to estimate the answer to calculations. This has allowed us to build on our knowledge of rounding. You can find examples of this in our snapshot jotters.
Our phoneme focus this week has been the ‘ow’ phoneme. In handwriting, we focus on our spelling words. Take a look at the page from our handwriting jotter and see how we diacritically mark words (ask us at home how we do this and what the different symbols mean).
In reading this week we finished our class novel of This Morning I Met a Whale. We completed a word investigation board where we identified new words and explored different strategies we can use when we come across a word we don’t know. We then used a dictionary to find the correct meaning.
We also started writing a response text/ review to our class novel This Morning I Met a Whale. We started writing the first two paragraphs. Paragraph one informs our reader of what we are responding to and paragraph two describes what takes place in the story.
In PE we continued to focus on our hockey skills and used these skills in team games.
In RE we prayed the novena to St Andrew and on Friday we wrote our Advent thoughts that we put into our Advent calendar.
We hope you enjoy finding out more about our learning in our snapshot jotters.
Fantastic work from Primary 5/6 looked like everyone really enjoyed hockey.