St Joseph's Academy – East Ayrshire

Fidelis Justus Prudens

November 20, 2020
by Mr Kane

Willowbank Consultation

Dear Parents/Carers,

As you may be aware, East Ayrshire Council is consulting on the potential establishment of a separate school in a specifically designed area of St. Joseph’s Academy. The proposed school would serve S1 to S6 pupils of Willowbank.

A summary version of the proposal is shown below. The full Proposal Document and appendices can be found here:

On Friday 20th November we were advised of the fact that the public meetings associated with this consultation have been postponed in light of level four restrictions. We will provide more information as and when the meetings are re-scheduled.

Kind Regards

Mr Kane

Summary Version

Click to access Notice-of-Proposal-Summary-Version.pdf

November 9, 2020
by Mr Kane

Clarification – Providing work to those not in attendance

Dear Pupils and Parents/Carers,

Where a young person has been advised by NHS Test and Protect to self-isolate, school staff will endeavour to upload work to Glow. However, where a young person is absent and has not been directly asked to self-isolate, it is not possible to provide work via Glow.

For obvious reasons, staff cannot simultaneously teach classes and upload content online.

At the moment, we are aware of some confusion around the above and ask that parents/carers of those pupils currently absent from school on the advice of NHS Test and Protect email us to let us know that this is the case. Many of the messages left via voicemail do not provide clarity on the reason for isolation/absence.

Our email address is:

We have also received some queries as to siblings or other family members having been directed to self-isolate.

Our understanding of the guidance is that pupils should still attend school if their sibling or parent/carer is self-isolating unless the pupil of our school is symptomatic, in which case they should also isolate and seek a test. If the young person has not been told to self-isolate and has no symptoms then they should attend school.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Kind Regards

Mr Kane

November 6, 2020
by Mr Kane

Cabinet Paper, SQA, PE and Reporting Calendar

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you for your ongoing patience in what is not a normal school year. The continual need for heighted awareness around health and safety is having an impact on the operational life of the school, and while from the outside it may appear as if school is open as normal, our working environment and day to day experience is still somewhat different to that of a normal school year.

I would like to express my ongoing thanks to staff, pupils and parents/carers for their shared vigilance around compliance with the various health and safety measures in place.

Please be aware of the following updates.

Cabinet Paper – Transformational Review of Specialist Provision

East Ayrshire Council has today published a paper for consideration at next week’s cabinet meeting (Wednesday 11th November).  Cabinet are asked to consider agreeing to consult on proposals to relocate S1 to S6 provision for pupils from Willowbank School to a specifically designed and adapted area of St. Joseph’s Academy.

The overarching paper can be found on the webpage shown below and is titled ‘Transformational Review of Specialist Provision – Updated Timeline for Proposed Consultation on Expansion of Supported Learning Centres’


Reference is also made to the potential establishment of a Supported Learning Centre within our school. Please note:

  •  The paper is to be taken to cabinet to seek agreement to consult on the proposed relocation of Willowbank’s secondary provision to part of St. Joseph’s Academy
  •  Any consultation around supported learning centre provision (which stands separately from the relocation of Willowbank), would be part of a later proposed consultation

SQA Matters

SQA has now started to release subject specific National 5 assessment guidance on a rolling basis. It is anticipated that by Thursday 19th November, SQA will have released guidance for all subject areas. Naturally, staff require time to analyse the content of guidance. Please be assured of the fact that staff are working with colleagues across East Ayrshire to establish assessment plans and procedures that can be shared with young people as soon as possible. It is likely that communication will be issued to all families by the last week in November.

At Higher and Advanced Higher level, SQA has published an examination timetable. While it is still the intention of SQA and the Scottish Government to run an exam diet, this position will be reviewed by no later than February 2021. In the meantime, all schools, pupils and families should proceed on the basis that the Higher and Advanced Higher exam diet will run in May 2021. The examination timetable can be found at the end of this message.

Any communication around potential prelims or assessment blocks will be included in the update that will follow in late November.

Reporting and Parents’ Evenings

Clearly, face to face Parents’ Evenings will not be possible this session. Earlier communication stated that we would not be able to run any Parents’ Evenings until after Christmas. It is now the case that no face to face Parents’ Evenings will be possible.

Our initial analysis suggests that both telephone based reporting and digital meetings are not viable or realistic when scaled across a secondary environment. While in some primary settings it is possible for the class teacher to call each family, this is not realistic when up to fourteen teachers need to speak to each family. In addition and in some year groups, one teacher would need to speak to ninety families per parents’ evening.  It would also be incorrect to presume that all families and staff have access to the technology required to conduct virtual meetings from home.

With this in mind, it is highly likely that we will revert to a model of enhanced reporting. Over the course of the next fortnight, school level negotiation with teaching staff and discussion with the Parent Council will inform our plans for the remainder of the session.

The delay in releasing reporting information has had an impact on the following:

S2 Parents’ Evening – Unable to run in September as would normally be the case

S4 Reports – Usually issued in mid November, anticipated delay until mid December

Please be assured that S2 and S4 will have priority initially. All other year groups usually receive reports or parents’ evenings later in the session, and as such there is currently no delay in reporting to those year groups. A final schedule will be released to all parents and carers as soon as possible.

Visiting School/Requesting a meeting with staff

Please note that no face to face meetings should take place in school. In the event that you need to speak to a member of staff, this would take place over the phone. Given the ongoing internal pressure in terms of supervision and health and safety, it is unlikely that staff will respond on the same day. Unless an urgent matter, we ask for your patience and will aim to return calls within three school days.


We will begin to welcome some PE classes indoors as of Monday 9th November and as long as East Ayrshire remains within tiers 0 to 3 of Scottish Government guidance. If East Ayrshire were to move to tier 4, all PE would move outdoors again.

PE teachers will inform pupils on a class by class basis of arrangements for indoor provision. Please note that not all classes will move indoors next week as some are midway through blocks of outdoor provision.

SQA Examination Timetable

Click to access exam-timetable-2021.pdf

Kind Regards

Mr Kane

October 31, 2020
by Mr Kane

Revised Scottish Government Guidance

Dear Parents/Carers and Pupils,

Please see two letters from Linda McAulay-Griffiths, Head of Education. These letters are in response to revised Scottish Government school level guidance and the introduction of a tiered COVID management system across Scotland.

Face coverings are now mandatory at all times for staff and pupils in S4-S6. Around fifteen S4-S6 pupils have an exemption, otherwise, all pupils and staff are now expected to wear a face covering at all times. The only exception being when eating or drinking at break/lunch time.

Please be advised that any change to PE provision is unlikely to take place until the week beginning Monday 9th November. We require time to update and implement revised risk assessments next week.

Clicking on the letters will allow for full access.  These letters are also available on the school app.

Letter to Pupils

Letter to Parents/Carers

October 8, 2020
by Mr Kane

October Break – Free School Meal Entitlement

Dear Parents/Carers,

Please see below a message for families with an entitlement to free school meals from Mark Hunter, Food and Catering Service Manager.

Over the October school break we will be providing a packed lunch service to those pupils entitled to Free School Meals. The following locations will be open to allow parents to pick up lunch for their child and available to collect between 1000-1200 Monday to Friday during the October weeks holidays. We would ask that you maintain social distancing rules and catering staff will be available for assistance.

  • New Cumnock PS rear door to Kitchen
  • Auchinleck Academy rear door to Kitchen
  • Netherthird ECC rear kitchen door
  • Bellsbank rear door to kitchen
  • Galston  dining room side door
  • Shortlees  Knockmarloch Road entrance
  • Whatriggs kitchen door main walkway
  • Onthank    rear kitchen door
  • Kilmaurs lunch club kitchen door
  • Balmoral Road side door rear of building.

For any enquiries can you please email the catering support e mail on:


Mark Hunter

Service Manager – Food and Catering

October 8, 2020
by Mr Kane


Dear Parents/Carers,

As you may have heard, there will no examinations at National 5 level this session. The SQA are set to publish subject level guidance after the October break. We anticipate that between two and four pieces of assessment per subject will be used to inform teacher judgements at National 5 level. SQA also intend to quality assure/moderate teacher judgements throughout the year.  At this stage, we anticipate that we will still run a prelim diet at National 5 level but will confirm this after the October break.

At Higher and Advanced Higher level, it is still the intention of the Scottish Government and SQA to run an exam diet in May 2021. However, the SQA yesterday published a number of alterations to each course at Higher and Advanced Higher level. Staff now need time to read the associated documentation but will communicate with young people to advise of alterations to course assessment as soon as possible.  In the event that the Scottish Government need to cancel exams at a later date, they have provided assurance that they will not do so any later than mid-February. For now we are to proceed on the basis that exams will run at Higher and Advanced Higher level in May. If they were to be cancelled we would revert to a similar certification process as that advised for National 5.

We thank you for your patience whilst teaching staff take some time this week and during the first week back after the October break to read the various guidance published yesterday. We also anticipate with keenness the release of the documentation which will clarify assessment procedures at National 5 level.

We will of course keep young people up to date with subject by subject matters and will send out more communication on SQA certification after the holiday period.

Kind Regards

Mr Kane

September 25, 2020
by Mr Kane

Interval Pre-Order System

Dear Parents/Carers and Pupils,

Today, we received confirmation of the fact that the catering team will begin to offer snack at interval again. As of Sunday, young people can pre-order food for collection at interval. Pre-orders should be made online via the system used to pre-order lunch. Orders can be placed between 3pm the day before break until 9.30am on the day.

Food and Drink Options are as follows:

Food Options Item Price
Roll and Sausage £1.05
Roll and Egg £1.05
Chocolate Muffin £0.65
Oaty Biscuit £0.50
Drinks Option Item Price
Bottled Water 500ml £0.60
Forest Fruit Flavoured Water £0.80
Lemon & Lime Flavoured Water £0.80
Strawberry Flavoured Water £0.80

We will speak to all pupils on Monday about the procedures in place for collecting food and drink at interval.

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