St Joseph's Academy – East Ayrshire

Fidelis Justus Prudens

Pupil Usernames and Passwords for the school system and Catering Portal

Dear Parents/Carers and Pupils,

In order to speed up the process of registering for a catering portal account, it is necessary to ensure that all new S2 to S6 pupils can login to school computers using their school username and password. Please note this is not their Glow username and password but school username and password which grants access to school computers.

If your son/daughter is going into S2 to S6 and has forgotten their username and/or password for school systems, they must complete this form by Friday 7th August.

Arrangements will be made to share new passwords upon the first day for pupils next week. This will then allow pupils to login to the catering portal and order food for lunch. Please remember that where possible we recommend a packed lunch on Wednesday 12th, Thursday 13th and Friday 14th August other than for those pupils accessing Free School Meals.

The link to the form is here:

Kind Regards

Mr Kane

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