St Joseph's Academy – East Ayrshire

Fidelis Justus Prudens

Schedule for Jotter Collection and S6 iPad drop off – Monday 1st June

Dear Parents/Carers and Pupils,

Please note that social distancing will be in place at each location.

Please find details of Monday’s jotter collection/S6 iPad drop off below. If you have yet to fill in the original form, you should use St. Joseph’s Academy, St. Joseph’s Church, Mount Carmel Church, Darvel, Galston, St. John’s Church or Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Patrick’s Church at the given times. Anyone changing location at this stage should also use one of the above locations. In some cases, there are health reasons that necessitate delivery and/or numbers are so low that delivery to doors is more practical in some areas. This is not an invitation to request delivery. We will not deliver unless there are reasons why your original return does not stand, and those reasons must be related to health or transport problems.

Apologies if the above seems blunt, but I must protect staff and your families as much as possible from direct contact and door to door delivery.  Where staff are delivering to doors, they will place the jotters outside doors, knock the door and leave. If no one is home, jotters will be left outside for your collection upon arrival home.  If you are returning an iPad and staff are collecting from your home, please leave the iPad and charger on the doorstep for collection.

If Monday is impossible for you we will offer one more date during w/b Monday 8th June and will confirm details later next week. It is likely that any second date would be restricted to jotter collection/ iPad return from school only.

While we are always keen to help with other matters, Monday is strictly for jotter collection and iPad return. Any other school business should be raised via the contact us page of our website and we will make contact as soon as we can.

Arrival times are in use at St. Joseph’s Academy and Mount Carmel Church. For all other locations, one time is shown and all families using those locations should report there at that time.

Monday 1st June 2020

St. Joseph’s Academy (Mr Boyle, Mrs Burnett, Miss Quigley, Miss Cathie, Mrs Lightfoot)

10am until 10.10am – Families collecting for siblings/on behalf of more than one pupil and outgoing S6 returning iPads

10.10am until 10.30am – Families of new S2 and new S5

10.30am until 10.45am – Families of new S3 and new S6

10.45am until 11.00am – Families of new S4

Mr Boyle will remain on site until 11.30am to allow for latecoming and/or any delays or queues.

Upon arrival, please enter the main car park area and a staff member will direct you to an area of the car park where jotters can be passed into cars and/or S6 iPads passed out to staff. There will be four stations (four cars at a time). Queuing will be in place. If on foot, a member of staff will direct you to a location from which you can collect jotters/return iPads.

Mount Carmel Church Car Park (Mrs Shearer and Miss Blacklock)

10am until 10.10am – Families collecting for siblings/on behalf of more than one pupil and outgoing S6 returning iPads

10.10am until 10.30am – Families of new S2 and new S5

10.30am until 10.45am – Families of new S3 and new S6

10.45am until 11.00am – Families of new S4

St. Joseph’s Church Car Park (Miss Quigley)

11.30am – All families using this location for jotter collection or iPad return

Stewarton (Miss Blacklock)

Delivery of jotters/Collection of iPads to/from doors from around 11.30am

Kilmaurs (Mrs Shearer)

Delivery of jotters/Collection of iPads to/from doors from around 11.30am

Hurlford (Mrs Lightfoot)

Delivery of jotters/Collection of iPads to/from doors from around 11.30am

Shortlees (Mrs Burnett)

Delivery of jotters/Collection of iPads to/from doors from around 11.30am

Crosshouse (Miss Cathie)

Delivery of jotters/Collection of iPads to/from doors from around 11.30am

Darvel, Saxon Fire and Security Car Park – former Doctor’s surgery, East Donnington Street  (Mr Kane)

10.00am – All families using this location for jotter collection or iPad return

Newmilns (Mr Kane)

Delivery of jotters/Collection of iPads to/from doors from around 10.30am

Galston, CHANGE OF LOCATION – Now St. Sophia’s Church Car Park (Rear of Church) (Mr Kane)

11.00am – All families using this location for jotter collection or iPad return

Mauchline (Mr Kane)

Delivery of jotters/Collection of iPads to/from doors from around 11.45am

Catrine (Mr Kane)

Delivery of jotters/Collection of iPads to/from doors from around 12.15pm

Auchinleck, Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Patrick’s Church (Mr Kane)

1pm – All families using this location for jotter collection or iPad return

Cumnock, St. John’s Church (Mr Kane)

1.30pm – All families using this location for jotter collection or iPad return

Logan (Mr Kane)

Delivery of jotters/Collection of iPads to/from doors from around 2.00pm

Muirkirk (Mr Kane)

Delivery of jotters/Collection of iPads to/from doors from around 2.20pm

Kind Regards

Mr Kane

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